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The Medicine Woman and Master Herbalist that is dedicated to breaking generational curses for the Diaspora.
Hello, beautiful people. Happy Friday. I’m so excited to announce that Medicine Making Monthly is officially open for enrollment. Oh my gosh, I’m so excited. This is our first launch to the public, open enrollment period to the public. I’m so excited to welcome you all in.
So many people joined us in the pre-launch. It blew my mind. It’s incredible.
I can’t believe how many people joined us and how many people are already learning about medicine making and already weaving the teachings into their lives. I’m so grateful. Just seeing everybody post their pictures as they journey with our herbal allies is a blessing.
I don’t think people realize how important it is to know basic medicine-making skills, how to know how to heal yourself, how to respect and really connect spiritually with the herbal allies.
There’s medicine growing outside your door right now and you don’t even know. Right? So disrespectful. You don’t even know. You just walk right past the medicine that you need because the medicine that tends to grow by you is often what you need. Most people miss that.
So, I want to invite you to join us. Enrollment closes on August 23 and we are not opening enrollment again until the end of the year. IIt is so important for you to come join us now and stop playing, okay? Every single month that you’re in the membership, it’s compounding. Your knowledge is compounding. It’s compound interest, okay?
It is only a really small investment of your time to get a really high ROI, which is a return on investment. You only have to spend a little bit of time each month journeying deeply with the plant and it will change your life. Like, you only have to invest a little to get a lot and that is something, that medicine, herbal medicine specifically, has been so consistent in my life. You invest a little bit and the plants always give you back a lot.
I want you to come join us. You can just go to anuuma.com and you will be able to join us. Or you can go to theinstituteofanstralmedicine.com and you’ll be able to join us in medicine making monthly and come join the community. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. If you are listening to this episode after August 23, 2023, I need you to know that the membership is going to be so different in a year. Like you are going to wish you had got in right now.
I don’t want you to regret it because a lot of people, they regret it when they sleep on me. I don’t want you to be one of those people, okay? I want you to come in. I want you to change your life. I want you to build with our community. I want you to come hang out with me because when you hang out with me, life gets better. And that ain’t cocky. That’s confident. I know for a fact.
All right, so if you are ready to change your life, if you are ready to weave these sacred plant allies into your life, if you are ready to learn about making from an ancestral medicine woman, from ancestral herbalism perspective, if you are ready to weave ancestral medicine into your life, come join us in Medicine Making Monthly doors close on August 23, 2023.
You can join us on instituteofanstralmedicine.com and then our new website is also launching very soon and I’m so excited to share it with you, but it won’t be launched until after the doors close and then you’re going to really wish you were in the membership, I promise you.
I love you. I love you. I love you. I hope you are having a beautiful day. I hope you are caring for yourself and I hope you are blessing yourself with some sacred herbal allies.
Happy Friday. I’ll be back next week with a nice, long, Juicy episode. But this week there are so many people enrolling right now. I just want to go make sure that I’m in our community welcoming everybody who is joining us. So I will see you next Friday. I love you so much. Have a great day. Peace.
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DISCLAIMER: Institute of Ancestral Medicine, Anuuma Apothecary, Heal at Home, Everything is Medicine, SLOW, and The Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program are founded by Anuuma Earth. This disclaimer is required. Nothing on this website is medical advice and has not been approved by the FDA. You should consult with your holistic doctor before making any changes to your diet or physical activity.
I would love to learn more about taking care of my body of the temple of God that’s where I’m at right now in my life and being able to also make money and help others as I learn myself by the grace of God
Hi Anumma my name is Brittany I have been going through it and have a tried protocols that have helped but haven’t fully healed I am looking for guidance and help I am signing up for membership but just want more answers
Hi, I feel as though I have been called to do herbalism and help others but I don’t have the funds to take and complete this course. Are there any other plans that you may recommend so that I can accomplish this goal?