welcome to the institute of ancestral medicine - let's heal
Medicine woman certification
heal at Home
monthly workshop
heal at home with anuuma earth
Holistic Health for Black Women
How to Have A Healthy Vagina – Pt 1
Why Body Odor is a Sign of Disease
Why EVERY Doctor needs to be in the Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program
How Forgiveness Frees You
Why Ethics and Spirituality are major pillars of Holistic Health
Solution-Oriented vs Problem-Obsessed
Why you MUST take your own medicine
Find pleasure in discomfort
The Rebirth is Here
Medicine Making Monthly is OPEN!
Health, Trends, and Longetivity
It’s time to Make Medicine
Intro to Breaking Cycles
Release Judgement for Spiritual Ascension
Learning Herbs is your Birthright
Why it’s better to know less herbs
Money as Energetic Currency
Entering the Void
Burning it ALL Down
Trauma is Not Your Identity
Life is a Spiritual Experience
Your Breakdown is your Breakthrough
People Pleasing is a Trauma Response
Ectopic Pregnancies
42, Single, and No Kids
Secret to the Law of Attraction
Washing Away Trauma
Triggers, Addictions + Overcoming Trauma
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ancestral medicine woman certification program
heal at home mentorship program
monthly workshop
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