welcome to the institute of ancestral medicine - let's heal
The Medicine Woman and Master Herbalist that is dedicated to breaking generational curses for the Diaspora.
Happy, happy Friday! What a beautiful day it is. I’m incredibly, incredibly grateful to be here, honestly. I’ve just been reflecting on a lot of things in life, but really reflecting on how far I’ve come in my own journey. I just gotta give thanks. That’s it. I just gotta give thanks.
I got to give thanks for life because I could have been at a really different place right now. As I think about the things that I went through and the things that I’ve gone through, grew through, and really just made it through. Wow, what a testimony. So, all of that to say, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude is my attitude for real.
I want to talk about, first of all, y’all asked. Y’all have asked and I have delivered. I have a new membership. I have a new membership called Medicine Making Monthly. Now, I’m going to tell you all about it in this episode and also tell you about where it came from and why it’s so important when learning about herbs to journey deeply versus widely. Okay, now, I wasted a lot of time on this journey. I wasted so much time.
When I was first called to the herbal path, I bought every single book that I could find. I invested in every program, I watched all of the videos. But at the end of consuming all of those books, diving down the research rabbit hole, and really binging on all of the videos, I still felt like I knew absolutely nothing about herbs, right? I knew that this herb was supposed to be good for this thing, and I knew that, oh, well, if you put some herb in an oil, then that’s an herbal infused oil. I knew that tinctures were alcohol and oil.
At the end of the day, I still knew absolutely nothing about herbs, right? I felt like I was dependent on a book. I was dependent on having to research an herb in order to even know what to do with it or what it was supposed to be good for. Sometimes by going fast, we end up slowing ourselves way down, right? I’ll touch back on that in a second. But I would get so excited to try the things from the books, the programs, the videos, only to find myself annoyed, frustrated, and ultimately defeated when they didn’t do what they were supposed to do or when they only worked on some occasions, but never consistently.
“Why the hell couldn’t I master this herbalism thing. It’s supposed to be so easy. Why wasn’t it working for me? Why wasn’t it working consistently? Why didn’t this herb do what they told me it was supposed to do?”
There were all of these people sharing these same teachings. I’m thinking to myself, like, this has to be true if everybody is saying it, right? If everybody is having the same shared experience, it has to be true, right? As I deepened my journey. As I sought out mentorship, as I connected with the plants on a spiritual level, I learned that a lot of these people were sharing the same teachings. Yes, but they were regurgitating the same colonized teachings that they had pried from our ancestors hands. Not all of the teachings out there are wrong, right?
Many of them are shallow, many of them don’t teach you about herbal medicine in a way that makes it simple to have consistent, potent, miraculous results with our sacred plant allies. Many don’t go deep, they go wide. I began to develop new systems and new ways to learn about the plants. As I deepen my journey, I began to explore my relationship with plants in ways that weren’t taught in books or online. I began to channel ancestral medicine. This is what changed my life. This is what allowed me to change the lives of thousands of women in our community. This is what allowed me to help thousands of women heal naturally thanks to this sacred plant medicine.
What’s incredible is that I’ve only scratched the surface of what I’m capable of. This journey has taught me the power of natural healing. It has given me the gift of living a natural, holistic, spiritual life. It has allowed me to experience a potently rich life simply by weaving the sacred plant medicine into my daily routine. It has provided me with the power tools and resources to take my health into my own control, and then to teach others to do the same. Spirit has provided me with the clarity I need to move forward.
So, here’s my invitation to you. A beautiful number of women have already joined us as founding members and now I want to welcome you. If you want to weave sacred plant medicine into your life in a way that is intentional, potent, and rich, you’ll want to join me. Medicine Making Monthly is a monthly membership that is dedicated to exploring one sacred herbal ally each moon cycle on a deep level. You’ll have an accompanying plant based created by yours truly recipe every single month to practice with and deepen your connection to our herbal allies. That’s the promise of this membership.
You will deepen your connection and improve your health and life with sacred plant medicine, one plant at a time. Now, let’s talk about why just one? Why one? Why are you not going to give me a whole book full? Why are you not going to give me a whole library at once? Why just one? I’ve learned that it’s so much more potent and effective to know a few plants deeply than it is to know hundreds on a shallow level. Hello, herbal textbooks. I’m looking at you, right?
I you are ready to dive deep, deep into knowing a plant on a sacred level, without the fluff, without the overwhelm, without the colonization, I’m inviting you to join me in Medicine Making Monthly. You’ll need to create an account with the Institute of Ancestral Medicine, and then you can secure your membership. Membership is only going to be open for a little bit, and then we’re going to close the doors to really love on our members and really connect.
Find a groove and build that sacred community with our first round of members. I’m incredibly excited to really dive deep into the world of plants with you. Know that this is not the Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program. This is not a program that is going to go into holistic healing in a way that I teach my medicine woman students. That is not what this is about. This is about learning herbs one plant at a time, building a sacred connection with our herbal kin. It’s about really knowing how to weave plant medicine into your life in a way that is simple, doable, and fun. If you are interested in learning about plants and you don’t really know where to start, right. You’re a beginner and you’re interested in understanding the medicinal properties and energetics and aspects of herbs, I invite you to join us.
If you are experienced with herbs. But maybe you felt like me, like you tried to learn all of these things, but you still feel like you don’t really know the herbs deeply. I invite you to join me. So if you are a beginner and if you are advanced, you will still benefit from this membership because we are going deep, right. You will know the plants on a soul level, and you’ll feel that much more connected to them as you work through the recipes and the exercises that are presented. I’m really excited.
This membership is brand new. So what I like to do is when something is new, I like to kind of leave it a little bit open so that we can build it together, so that I can kind of get a feel energetically for what the community needs and then add to it so it’ll get more potent and rich and delicious as time goes on as this living live where he is built. I am so excited.
I’ve gotten so many emails, so many DMs, so many requests. Even in the podcast question base, so many people are asking, “I want to learn about herbal medicine. Where do I start? Like, I’m not ready to join the Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program. Where do I start?” This is where you start. Doing this and implementing this every single month will really show you if you have a passion or if you are called to walk this path. Then, if you feel like you are ready to join the Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program, you can apply to see if you are eligible to join us there.
This membership is for everybody, right? You can do it with your children. You could do it by yourself. You could do it with a partner, you could do it with a friend. You can make the recipes and share them with your loved ones. Feel the energetic shifts, feel the physical shifts, feel the emotional shifts, feel the spiritual shifts of sacred plant medicine being woven into your life. The beauty of this is you’re learning each plant on a really deep level for a full moon cycle and what happens is you’ll start to build your knowledge, you’ll start to build your experience, and every month will build upon the next.
That’s how you have mastery, not, “Oh, I’m going to read a whole bunch of different textbooks. I’m going to read all about a bunch of herbs this month.” Then, you don’t retain anything, you don’t remember anything, right? So it’s kind of like wasted time, wasted energy, wasted effort.
With this membership, we are going to intentionally love on cultivate and get to know sacred medicine on a really, really deep level. If you feel the call, if you feel interested, if you are even remotely curious, I invite you to join me. Come check it out. You can cancel at any time. I’m not going to hold you. But I already know you are going to fall in love because the plants, it’s a whole different love language. Like you will fall in love. I’m confident.
It’s really important that we take our health and wellness into our own hands. It’s really important that we really understand how to care for ourselves, that we have simple remedies, right? We don’t have to get complicated. You don’t have to learn all of the advanced techniques that I’m teaching in the Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification program to just weave plant medicine into your life, right? If you want to be a medicine woman, that’s something different. You need to know a whole lot of different things. But if you just want to know how to improve your quality of life by incorporating sacred plant medicine, come join me. Let me share this wisdom with you. All right. I love you. I love you, I love you. I can’t wait to see you inside.
You’ll be able to find the link to join us in the show notes and I’ll see you in the next one. Peace.
Are you interested in learning about medicinal herbs?
Medicine Making is your birthright and is a skill that everyone should have. Unfortunately, too many people overcomplicate herbalism, spread incorrect information, and miss the most vital parts of learning this sacred ancestral practice. This results in them getting discouraged and going back to pharmaceutical drugs because they think that herbs don’t work or that herbs are too complicated to master. I’m excited to teach you all about herbs in my herbal membership.
Medicine Making Monthly Medicine Monthly is a monthly membership dedicated to exploring one sacred herbal ally each moon cycle on a deep, intimate level. You’ll have an accompanying plant based recipe created by yours truly each month to practice with and deepen your connection to our sacred herbal allies. That’s the promise of this membership. You’ll be able to deepen your connection and improve your health and life with one sacred plant medicine.
That is my promise to you. When you join this membership, you will deepen your connection and improve your health and life with sacred plant medicine, one herb at a time. Why just one? I’ve learned over my ten years of experience as a medicine woman and master herbalist that it’s more potent and effective to know a few plants deeply than it is to know hundreds on a shallow level.
If you’re ready to dive deep without the fluff, overwhelm, or colonized teachings, join me in Medicine Making Monthly. You can join on anuuma.com. Peace.
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DISCLAIMER: Institute of Ancestral Medicine, Anuuma Apothecary, Heal at Home, Everything is Medicine, SLOW, and The Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program are founded by Anuuma Earth. This disclaimer is required. Nothing on this website is medical advice and has not been approved by the FDA. You should consult with your holistic doctor before making any changes to your diet or physical activity.