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The Medicine Woman and Master Herbalist that is dedicated to breaking generational curses for the Diaspora.
Welcome to Ask Anuuma episode. I was going to do a different episode today, but this submission was calling to me so I’m going to answer it. It’s from Maile’s. I hope that I’m saying your name correctly. That is very important to me.
So, Mailey submitted a question that says, “Hi, Anuuma! I enjoy your podcast so much and everything you do. I’ve had two pregnancies. One that ended in an abortion, and the second was an ectopic pregnancy. I’ve noticed that nowadays black women around me are having more ectopic pregnancies. Do you know why this is the case? Is there a spiritual meaning behind this and what can be done to heal and prevent ectopic pregnancies holistically? I’m very passionate about this since I’ve been through it, in case you get to answer this question. Thank you.”
To start off this episode, for those of you who don’t know, an ectopic pregnancy basically happens when the fertilized egg grows outside of the uterus, right? So it’s not in the uterus, which most of the time it happens in the fallopian tube. As that egg begins to grow, it can cause the fallopian tube to burst or rupture, and as a result, you’ll get lots of bleeding and a loss of the pregnancy.
I think it’s important that we understand what it is first and then we can get into the spiritual aspect of maybe why it’s happening now. Obviously, this can be different for everyone, but I’m going to give you my perspective and just what I feel deeply from reading your question and from really channeling your energy energetically, what it could be spiritually. Physically, there are a lot of different things. It could be mostly PID is something that a lot of people say is the reason why they’ve had an ectopic pregnancy.
I want to talk about spiritually, since that’s what you asked. I think it’s important that we think about the state of the woman. We think about the state of you. I think for me, what’s coming up is that there is some kind of blockage. There is some kind of like oftentimes there’s inflammation, which is the cause of an ectopic pregnancy. Oftentimes there could be an infection. I think if we think about that and how it relates spiritually to the woman, we could think about the fact that is she caring for herself? Is there a lack of self care present in her life? Are there blockages? Is she currently mistreating her body? Is there inflammation in that sense so that maybe her body is saying, “Okay, I don’t know. You’re not caring for yourself. I don’t know if you can care for this baby.” Therefore, I’m not going to let it manifest fully.
However, I’m going to give you this experience, one maybe to awaken you. Maybe to bring you back to this present state so that you can say, “I need to care for myself, right? My fallopian tube just bursted. I need to care for myself, right? I am now bleeding a lot. I need to slow down and care for myself.” Maybe that could be what it is, right?
I think if I was to dive deep into it, I would ask a lot of questions. I would try to figure out what the state of the person was or what state you were in when you got pregnant. Was it a loving relationship? Was it maybe just a casual sexual relationship? How did the baby manifest? Because a lot of times we forget that. We think we get pregnant and then the baby is here and that’s it. But conception starts way before intercourse even happens, right?
Conception starts with a thought. I want to think about what state you were in when you met this partner? What state were you in when you conceived before you actually conceived? What is the energy of this relationship and what is your energy with yourself? Were you holding a lot of fear? Were you holding a lot of resentment? Were you caring for yourself in a way that showed that you were ready to mother, ready to nurture yourself? Were you still being mean to yourself? Or were you holding resentment towards yourself for having an abortion in the past?
Were you focused on that abortion while you were carrying this pregnancy, which resulted in another termination of pregnancy because you were being unkind to yourself? These are things that I will want to look at. These are things that I will want to think of because a lot of times when people have abortions, I’ve never had an abortion but I’ve had a lot of clients come to me who have had an abortion. I’ve even had students who’ve had an abortion, right? They tend to blame themselves. They tend to punish themselves and really have this sense of grief. But they don’t allow themselves to mourn because they feel like they brought that upon themselves.
Instead, they are mean to themselves. They beat themselves up, and they really are unkind to themselves, which then result in eating things that are not good for their body because they’re trying to punish themselves or eating things to numb themselves or being promiscuous or getting into relationships that don’t really serve them or love them or stimulate a feeling of love.
Do you know why this is the case? Is there a spiritual meaning behind this and what can be done to heal and prevent this holistically? I want you to look at where you are in life, how you’re treating yourself, and I want you to think about where you can open yourself up for love, where you can open yourself up for healing, where you can open yourself up to receive and embody and practice forgiveness.
A lot of times we put so much emphasis on forgiving other people, and we never truly forgive ourselves. I think that is the most important thing. You have to forgive yourself. You have to really be at peace with all of the decisions that you made in the past. You need to learn to love yourself unconditionally. I talked about this before but you need to practice spiritual discipline. That means sometimes there are things that maybe we don’t want to do because they don’t feel good.
In a vanity sense, they’re not convenient. But when we do them, they unlock abundance in our life. They unlock healing in our life. They unlock radical self love and spiritual elevation and all of these things.
I want you to think about where you can really deepen your spiritual practice, where you can practice compassion and kindness with yourself and where you can really sit and see if you are truly ready to have a baby, grow a baby, and nurture and love yourself first, right? I want you to mother yourself, practice mothering yourself so that when your body is ready, when you are ready, when you decide you’re ready to try again, everything will be in alignment. When I say that, I mean both physically and spiritually, right?The egg will go where it needs to go. It will be deeply implanted within you, and that’ll be the same for you spiritually and physically and emotionally and mentally.
Everything will be in alignment and you won’t have to worry about it.
I also want you to think about if you are having like this deep seated feeling of fear. If you’re having fear, that could also manifest. That could also manifest as a blockage. We want to make sure that you are open to flow. We want to make sure that you are open to flow. We want to make sure that your baby can go where it needs to go so that it can grow where it needs to grow.
You are perfect. You are not being punished. I just need you to love yourself and I need you not to punish yourself. Okay? That’s it. I love you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for listening. I appreciate you.
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