welcome to the institute of ancestral medicine - let's heal
The Medicine Woman and Master Herbalist that is dedicated to breaking generational curses for the Diaspora.
Happy Friday. Today, I want to talk to you about why it is so important that you are solution oriented instead of problem obsessed.
Now, there are so many people who I encounter every single day that are problem obsessed. Like, you find a problem in everything in life. Everything is a problem.
A lot of my students come into the program like this and we have to just kind of reorient them and shift their mindset because it’s so easy to be problem obsessed. It’s so easy, right? It is so easy to be problem obsessed and to feel like you are drowning or you are overwhelmed or you’re constantly anxious.
Everything is happening to you and you feel so stressed and depressed. I can say that because I’ve been there, because I was problem obsessed. When I shifted my mindset and I teach everybody I can about this, I teach my children about this, right? I practice it with myself.
It’s a big deal because so many people address life from the mindset that everything is a problem.
I had a mentor years ago when I was really young, and she would always say, nothing is a problem. I used to be like, okay, nothing is a problem. But I never started to implement it until I became an adult, until I became a mother of four babies. I never really got it. Nothing is a problem, right? When you get that nothing is a problem. When you really get it, something in your brain changes.
Anytime you are presented with any kind of discomfort, anytime you are presented with any kind of emergency or scary situation, or anytime you’re presented with anything that challenges you instead of automatically jumping to shoot another problem, it’s always something, I was just starting to feel happy before it gets there.
If you’re solution oriented, something in your brain will say, “Oh, another opportunity for me to solve a problem. I wonder how I can solve this problem now.”
Instead of being a victim to your circumstances, now you get to just, “Oh, how can I figure this out?” Because you’ll either figure it out or you won’t. That’s it. It’s neutral. It really is. You will become so detached from everything that is happening around you and know that you can control yourself. Right? You will know that. You will know that you can control yourself. You won’t be phased when things change, because things always change. That’s like the beauty of life. You won’t be phased. You won’t be phased. You just won’t, right?
I’ll give you an example, I had someone come to me and they were so upset. I could tell you, I empathize. My entire life was about my problems. My entire life was about my trauma. My entire life was about all of the things that happened to me.
I wasn’t living right now because I was so obsessed with all of the things that happened to me in the past. I was so obsessed. Somebody came to me and they were so upset because somebody did something to them or they felt like somebody did something to them.
I just want to remind you that nobody does. Well, not nobody, but a lot of people don’t do things to you. They do things for themselves because everybody is selfish. A lot of people forget to be selfless.
When they do things, it’s not really to you, it’s just for them. We take it personally. We hold everybody to these high standards. We want everyone to fit into these molds, and we don’t want people to change. People change all the time, right?
I want you to just, like “What if I was detached and what if I didn’t hold anybody to any standards and I just allow them the freedom and space to change?” That’s unconditional love. Then, we’re not putting all of these conditions on people and we’re not disappointed when people don’t live up to our unrealistic molds because everybody is human.
When we are detached and we don’t expect anything from people and we don’t take things personally, life changes dramatically. It changes so quickly. Think about it.
What if I challenge you for the next 30 days? I’m going to just give you challenges. I don’t mean challenge in a negative way, it’s neutral. I just mean I’m going to give you opportunities to grow and opportunities because you get to choose whether or not you want to try, whether you want to implement it, whether or not you’re going to be committed and stick to it.
Opportunities. Everything is an opportunity. Problem solving is an opportunity. Finding solutions an opportunity, right? I’m going to give you the challenge for 30 days, don’t let anything be a problem for you.
Don’t let anything trigger you, traumatize you, take you out of character, take your joy from you. Don’t let anything, like, choose to not let it bother you, choose to find a solution for every opportunity that is presented to you, whether it’s perceived as negative. Perceived as positive.
I always tell my students that perspective is the medicine. You get to choose how you view every single thing in life. Perspective is the medicine. It is the difference between you being miserable and you being at peace, no matter what. You being at peace, right?
For the next 30 days, I want you to don’t let anything be a problem. If you slip up, start all over, and continue to practice this, it will change your life. I promise it will change your life. I say that because I’m so intentional about every single thing that I do in life. I promise that if you implement just these practices, it will change your life. It’s not even a game.
It will literally change your life, and it will rewire your brain and it will change you. That’s it. So really practice being solution orientated or solution oriented.
Practice not getting your feathers ruffled when something unexpected happens.
I always want you to expect the unexpectable. That’s a part of finding comfort and discomfort because that is also where you find peace because now you are just content with life doing what it does, which is changing. That’s it.
Always ask yourself, “If I’m not happy or if I’m not at peace with or if I’m finding that this situation, this circumstance, this thing is not how I want it, how can I solve for that?”
Then you put all of your energy and effort into solving for that instead of puffing a fit and getting mad and wasting your time and self sabotaging and doing things that you don’t really want to do or things that won’t really propel you to being where you want to be. You do that, and then you get what you want. You didn’t waste any time on things that you didn’t, right? That’s it.
That’s today’s episode. All right? Make sure that you become solution oriented versus problem oriented. Okay?
Make sure that you’re solution oriented versus problem obsessed. I love you. I’ll see you in the next episode.
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