welcome to the institute of ancestral medicine - let's heal
The Medicine Woman and Master Herbalist that is dedicated to breaking generational curses for the Diaspora.
Welcome to another episode. Today, I think it’s really important that I take a moment to talk to you about finding comfort and discomfort.
Now, a lot of people shy away from just being uncomfortable, right? They feel like they’ve endured so many things. They’ve endured so much trauma, that when it comes time to really do anything that will propel them forward, they procrastinate, or they self sabotage, or they find any excuse and reason not to do it. I want to tell you why this is so important.
This is important because in the Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program, in the first 30 days, you have to learn how to find comfort and discomfort. When you grow through the initiation process, everything about you will change. All of your traumas, all of your triggers, everything will be revealed so that you can move forward and heal. But there’s a certain type of person that just might not be ready for that and might not get through that and might not get to experience what it’s like to come out on the other side. It will challenge you.
Even with my one-on-one clients, I got one-on-one clients that’s like, “Yo, who I’m becoming as a result of working with you is changing my life.” I want you to think about what that could look like for you, right? If you decided that you would get out of your comfort zone, if you would do things that would grow you and propel you forward, if you would make things happen by any means necessary, because you knew who you would become on the other side of that, what would your life look like?
I want you to think about that. What could your life look like? If you were okay with being uncomfortable for a season, how could that change your life? How could that propel you forward? If you were willing to just be uncomfortable for a season, one season.
One season can change your entire life. You could be an entirely different person. You could be in an entirely different tax bracket. You could have an entirely different family.
What would happen if you gave life your all for one season? What if you got comfortable being uncomfortable and challenged yourself to stop succumbing to triggers and stop being so sensitive about things that honestly don’t matter?
When you’re spiritually in tune and you’re spiritually tapped in, a lot of the things that we are stressing about and allowing us to stay small or stay stuck don’t matter. Most of these things are in the past. Most of these things have not affected you for years. But you allow your body to relive them over and over and over again. What would happen if you decided to just embrace every single thing that was uncomfortable for you for a season? How would your life transform? I want you to think about that.
Embrace being uncomfortable for a whole season. 90 days will change your entire life.
In the Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program, my students go from being triggered and being traumatized, being afraid to live life and advocate for themselves, not being confident enough to even help people, to being so empowered to walk in the path of being an ancestral medicine woman, and not only healing themselves, but then going on to heal other people and going on to quit their job and going on to start the business of their dreams. Because now they trust spirit enough to let go. They’re not afraid of being uncomfortable.
They know how to navigate all of the traumas, all of the triggers, all of the things. They are not afraid of nothing. That could be you. I want you to think about where in life you are currently allowing comfort to keep you stuck, to keep you stagnant. When things are stagnant, they breed disease. You need to keep moving, challenge yourself. That’s the only way you grow. Challenge yourself. Like, who do you need to be? What do you need to do? What do you need to embody in order to reach your next level? Because you can’t be that spiritually connected if you let fear rule your life, you can’t. It’s a fact.
If you are truly spiritually grounded and spiritually in tune, you take a leap of faith, and you are not worried about no consequences, you’re not worried about no money, you’re not worried about none of these trivial things, because you already know that you are good, right?
I teach my one-on-one clients this. I teach my Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program students. This I teach, like, so many people are putting on this false perception of who they are. They think they’re spiritually connected. They think they are living life as they’re supposed to be living it, but they don’t realize that they are intentionally keeping themselves small in the name of trauma. That’s a trauma response, to try to keep yourself small or to try to stay safe all the time because you don’t trust yourself, or you don’t trust spirit enough to live life as you were put here to live it.
Why wouldn’t you fulfill your spiritual assignment for real? Like, really think about it. Why would you stay at a job that you hate? Why would you drag your feet and take somebody else’s spot?
Everybody’s meant to do something and when you work at a job you hate, you are taking somebody else’s spot. Give them their job. Give them their job back. It’s not for you. Go do what you were meant and put here to do. Is that simple? Is that easy? So this week, I just want to challenge you. Take the challenge.
Embrace every single thing that makes you uncomfortable for the next three months. And if you’re too afraid to do three months, I want you to do the next 30 days and see how that grows. You come find me and talk to me and tell me how your life has transformed. And then I want you to imagine what will happen if you do that for twelve months.
I invite you to come join me in the Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program. Do that for twelve months. You will become the greatest version you’ve ever, ever met. You will uncover the highest potential and the most spiritually sound and grounded being you have ever been. You will build and create or grow the spirit led business of your dreams. You’ll get to do that with purpose, right? You’ll get to do that by helping other people heal. That is the most rewarding thing you can do in life. It’s the most rewarding thing. When I say that, I don’t take it lightly.
We get to help people heal. We get to extend people’s lives. We get to support people in becoming something they may have never gotten the opportunity to get. We get to break generational curses.
It all starts with being uncomfortable because if you are the chosen one for your lineage, you got to get real comfortable with being uncomfortable in order to break the generational curses in order to heal your lineage in order to stop passing down generational diseases.
I say that with bunny ears, right? Because what we’re really passing down is diet, lifestyle, and trauma. We’re not passing down diseases. Y’all eating the same things, doing the same things, and keeping the same secrets.
What will happen if you got comfortable being uncomfortable? What will happen if you told the truth? No matter what, no matter who was mad? How would your life transform. I want you to think about that. All right?
I love you so much. I’ll see you next week. Thank you for building with me this week. I’ll see you around. Make sure you’re on the email list. Got a lot of things coming that are so lovely. You don’t want to miss it. All right, peace.
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DISCLAIMER: Institute of Ancestral Medicine, Anuuma Apothecary, Heal at Home, Everything is Medicine, SLOW, and The Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program are founded by Anuuma Earth. This disclaimer is required. Nothing on this website is medical advice and has not been approved by the FDA. You should consult with your holistic doctor before making any changes to your diet or physical activity.