welcome to the institute of ancestral medicine - let's heal
The Medicine Woman and Master Herbalist that is dedicated to breaking generational curses for the Diaspora.
First of all, happy solstice. I’m so grateful and excited to be here and really just be where I am in this journey because there is so much going on and it’s a direct reflection of all of the work that I’ve been doing spiritually. I just want to first say happy solstice and I hope that you are taking this time, this moment, to reflect on all of the seeds that you have sown during the spring
Reflect on your rebirth, what has happened, what has changed, what has made itself known to you in these past few months from last season, and how will you take that into this upcoming season? So that it is fruitful. So that you’re not perpetuating the same cycles because you’re not learning from the lessons that are meant for you, that are being presented to you, that will continuously be presented to you until you decide to acknowledge them and address them and honor them.
I’m thinking we might do an Ask Anuuma episode today. I just pulled up the questions. I honestly was just going to flow, but I think maybe it’s a good day. So, Raven submitted a question. “I recognize that my energy is my currency. What do you suggest in regards to working on my energy so that I’m less stressed financially? I want to have no doubts or worries about getting whatever I want and live a life I desire without having to work jobs I dislike, just to make ends meet.”
That was submitted by Raven. I want to sit with that for a moment. Raven recognizes that her energy is her currency. “So, what do I suggest in regards to working on her energy so that she is less stressed financially? I want to have no doubts or worries about getting whatever I want and living a life I desire without having to work jobs I dislike, just to make ends meet.”
There’s a lot here to unpack, as they like to say. There’s a lot here to address. I think a lot of times when we reach out to somebody or we ask someone for advice, we ask a question.
A lot of times we know exactly what the answer is. We just want confirmation, right? We don’t really trust our inner knowing. We don’t really trust ourselves enough. We want someone else to tell us so that we can feel affirmed, so that we could feel safe, so that we could feel seen.
With this question, there’s a lot to unpack, right? There’s a lot to address. Now, you know, I’m all about holistic healing. You know, I’m all about addressing the root cause. We need to get to the root cause of this. Yes, you recognize that your energy is your currency but what is it that you are missing? What is it that you’re not acknowledging? What is your money story?
A lot of times we have these money stories that have been given to us from parents, from grandparents, from friends, from family members. What are the things that maybe you took on as truth? What are the things that maybe you inherited that are keeping you broke? Do you have a subconscious fear? Do you spend to feel safe? Do you try to put on a front and look like something other than just being. Do you try to buy to fill a void? There’s a lot of different things that I need to know in order to really guide you properly with this question.
“What do you suggest in regards to working on my energy so that I’m less stressed financially?”
I want to ask why you’re stressed in the first place? Usually we’re only stressed financially if we feel like we will never be able to catch up or we feel like we’ll never be able to make enough. We feel like there is not enough. Those are the reasons that we’re stressed. We have so much on our plate, and we’re getting a little bit for a lot, and we feel like we’re drowning. We don’t feel like we’ll ever be able to get caught up or we don’t ever feel like we’ll be able to just live freely without having to worry about or consider how much money we have, because we know that we are good.
Raven stated that she wants to have no doubts or worries about getting whatever she wants and live a life she desires without having to work jobs she dislikes just to make ends meet. There’s another misconception right there. She doesn’t have to work a job she doesn’t like right now. Raven, if you’re listening to this, I want to remind you, you understand that your energy is your currency, but you’re not acting accordingly, right? If you understand that your energy is your currency, you wouldn’t work a job you dislike because that’s an energetic exchange that takes too much from you. That’ll make you spiritually bankrupt if you’re constantly giving and something that does not serve you, something that is not fulfilling, something that is not in alignment with your sole purpose.
If you understand, if you truly understand that your energy is your currency. You’re not going to have any doubts or worries about getting whatever it is that you want in life, right? You’re not going to work a job that you don’t like, because you understand how important your energy is. You understand that it is currency so you wouldn’t be robbing yourself by working somewhere that is not in alignment with the path that you should be walking on.
I’m going to give you something to work on so that you can ultimately get to the root and address what you need to address, right? So that you can get to the place where you’d like to be, which is living the life of your dreams. Not worried about money, right? Not stressed about money, not anxious, nervous, and not scrambling. You’ll get to a place of ease and abundance, and you’ll understand, truly. Maybe you understand that your energy is currency, but you don’t understand how much the energy is worth and that could be the thing for you.
Here’s what I want you to do. I want you to sit with your money history, your money stories. I want you to think about what you know to be true in your body and your spirit when it comes to money. When you think about money, what do you think about? Do you feel safe? Do you feel anxious? Do you feel like you’ll never have enough? Do you feel like there’s always more on its way? Do you feel like you could positively circulate dollars in your community and they’ll always come back to you? Do you feel like you only give and you never get money back?
You never receive, so you’re afraid to spend. I want you to think about what your money story is, and I want you to think about where it came from, who gave it to you, and what that means for you because typically, when we address these money stories and we find out that they came from a parent, a friend, a grandparent, whatever, a relative, we often find that there is some kind of trauma associated with it.
Usually there’s some kind of fear, there’s some kind of scarcity. Maybe there was some kind of danger, right? So we tend to not have a positive relationship with money. In turn, shows up in different areas of our life that may not be directly related to money. You may find that. You find an expensive habit that you’re not really excited about or you’re not really passionate about. You just found a way, subconsciously, to spend all of your money, right. To not keep or hold your money because maybe you felt it wasn’t safe to have money or maybe you felt it wasn’t safe or safe to spend money.
Maybe you spent in the past, and then something unexpected came up and it rocked your world. All of these things are different. I want you to think about what is your money story. I want you to really sit with that. Think about who gave you all of the things, and think about also what is the life that you’d like to live. Think about your money story. Think about where you are right now and then think about the life of your dreams. Think about that life where have to work, jobs you dislike. Think about that life where you have no fear, no doubt. Think about that life where you could swipe your card and not be afraid that it’s going to get declined.
Think about that life where you are comfortable and at ease, and you’re in a space that inspires you. You’re in a space that motivates you, that makes you feel safe, that makes you feel held. What does that life look like? What does that life feel like? And as you sit with that, I want you to focus on bridging the gap.
This is what I teach my students in my programs, bridging the gap. If you know where you are and you know where you came from but if you know where you are and you know where you want to be, it’s just simple math to get to where you want to be. Oftentimes we make it very complicated. We try to do these complicated equations when we can simply break it down and simplify it. And you could just quantum leap from where you are to where you want to be easily.
First, you need to acknowledge where you are. First you need to acknowledge the traumas and the triggers and things that you’re subconsciously and consciously doing that are holding you back. Once you do that, then you’ll be able to say and assess and see exactly what you need to do and where you want to be and you can map out the exact steps you need to take to get there.
I want you to reflect on your money story. I want you to assess where you currently are, and I want you to address and manifest and visualize where it is that you want to be. And then I want you to bridge the gap. What are the simplest, quickest, fastest, most intentional, most rewarding steps you could take that will get you from here to here with ease? Like, what is the easiest way? I want you to think about it. That’s it.
The answer will be revealed to you because I don’t know your history. I will ask you so many questions. If I had you live or if you were in one of my programs. I ask a lot of questions because it’s important that I get to know my clients, my students, because all of these things matter. Context is really important. You go to the doctor’s office, and they send the nurse in to fill out a quick chart. But if you go to a naturopath, if you go to a clinical herbalist, if you come have a consultation with me, you will find that I need to get to know you deeply. Before I recommend any kind of medicine, before I recommend any kind of dietary shift, before I recommend any kind of cleansing protocol.
You need to know people, right? Healing is holistic. So even if you’re having an issue with money, that’s currency, that’s energetic, that’s spiritual, right? That means we need to figure out where this started. Because it’s not just about not having enough money. It’s not just about working a job you don’t like.
Who are you and why do you dislike the job? Why would you work somewhere you don’t like? Why did you apply to that job? Do you really dislike it? Or is it your perception? Like, there’s a lot of different things we could cover and we could ask and we could assess.
I want you to start with that simple process of thinking about how you got to where you are. Because then we can see the patterns, then we can see the triggers, then we can see the traumas, then we can see the actions, the thoughts that got you this result. Then once we address that, now we know the thoughts you need to think that get you to the next spot. Right now we know the actions you need to take to get you to the next spot, and we simply just need to stop doing the things that we are doing that got you here. It’s really all about your mind.
Most people don’t recognize the power of their mind. If somebody gave you a belief and you took it on as your identity, everything you do in your life is going to come from that lens. In order for you to change that, you have to assess what was the belief that was given to me? Who am I operating as with this belief?
If I shift my mindset, if I change my belief, my actions will change, which will then give me different results. So I want you to think about it. I want you to sit with it, and then I want you to think about what’s one thing you could do today that will get you closer to being financially free? Is it like, stop buying stuff that you don’t need stop ordering doordash. Right? Eat some whole foods. What is it that you’re doing? What are some things that you could like, things that don’t mean anything to you?
I don’t mean stop buying organic food. I don’t mean don’t buy that little cup of tea that brings you so much joy. I mean, what are things that you do to numb yourself that you could stop doing because they’re blocking you from living the life that you would love to live?
I think it’s important to mention, and I learned this really late, spiritual people are not supposed to be poor, right? I had a few spiritual teachers tell me that God does not want you to be poor. God wants you to be wealthy, and not in a materialistic sense, but spiritually wealthy. You got to make the connection. You’re not supposed to be stressed, right? You’re not supposed to be anxious or tired or struggling. Yes, there will be some suffering in life, but it’s all perspective.
I want you to think about, where are you not in alignment right now? Once you remove that block, all of your money issues will resolve themselves. That’s real. Trust me. Then, I want you to notice and witness and be so present that you see when you start to self sabotage or you see when those trauma memories or those triggers start to come up again and you start to do that thing that got you into spiritual poverty or that got you into debt or that got you into struggling or working.
Everybody has a spiritual assignment. I find that when we’re not following our spiritual assignment, I got a coaching call on a few. When I’m not following that spiritual assignment, then things start to get out of alignment. However, when I’m following my spiritual assignment, there is nothing but abundance. Everything lines up so that I am never in a state of lack. If there ever is, what is a perceived moment of lack? It’s simply a lesson. It’s simply a stepping stool so that I can have perspective and wisdom and experience for that next level. I want you to think about where you are right now, where you want to be, and bridge the gap.
I love you. I’m getting ready to teach my class for my students. I will see you in the next one. Peace.
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DISCLAIMER: Institute of Ancestral Medicine, Anuuma Apothecary, Heal at Home, Everything is Medicine, SLOW, and The Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program are founded by Anuuma Earth. This disclaimer is required. Nothing on this website is medical advice and has not been approved by the FDA. You should consult with your holistic doctor before making any changes to your diet or physical activity.