welcome to the institute of ancestral medicine - let's heal
The Medicine Woman and Master Herbalist that is dedicated to breaking generational curses for the Diaspora.
Welcome to another day. I’m super excited to be here, to sit here, to tap in. My discipline has been on another level. When I say discipline changes your life, I mean it. When I say my life is incredibly different and I am not the same human that I was 50 days ago, I mean it.
I am just so very thankful, so very grateful for all that is all that is to come and all that will be right. There is no more fear. There is no more anger. There is no more uncertainty. I trust in all that is. I trust in divine timing. I trust in it all.
Today, I want to talk to you about health and trends, but before I get into it, I want to let you know that Medicine Making Monthly is opening for enrollment for one week only from August 16 to August 23. If you want to make sure that you’re able to join us, I got a lot of emails after the doors closed last time. Make sure you are on the waitlist. You could get on the waitlist at anuuma.com. Our brand new website will be launching shortly and I’m really excited to share that with you. It’s been a long time coming, so yeah, let’s get into it.
I’ve been seeing and getting a lot of food trends. It seems like people are really into doing the most ridiculous, like, let me see what the most ridiculous thing is that I can do, and let me do that and put it on the Internet. It’s comical, but it’s also concerning, right? You see people trying to see how big they can make something or how much cheese they could fit into something, or how much meat and oil and outrageous, deep-fried, sugary things they could do in the name of pleasure.
I think everybody forgets that this is a karmic life. Everything that we do has an opposite or equal and opposite reaction, right? It doesn’t mean that anything is good or bad. It just simply means that there is going to be a consequence for all of these actions. I think people forget to consider health when they start doing these trends, right? The virality of the things go to their head and they start to do things to feed their egos. We forget that this is a karmic life that we are living.
What are the karmic implications of you making deep fried pizza rolls stuffed with, you know what I’m saying? As somebody who loves food, as somebody whose entire food, entire life was food, right? I graduated from culinary school. I was a professional chef. I have a degree. You all are making burgers, stuff with beef patties, stuff with oxtails and mac and cheese wrapped in cocoa bread, and then deep fried or something else like y’all. It’s not that they’re doing this once in a lifetime.
It’s like people are living off of these obscene, crazy trends. What I want you all to remember is that these trends will continue to get more and more ridiculous as everybody’s attention spans continue to get smaller and smaller and smaller. The trends will have to continue to keep getting more crazy so that people can stay attached to it so that people can stay hooked and captivated. The trends have to just keep getting more and more outrageous.
I want you to remember that trends will always go out of style. Trends will always change. Trends will always be the constant or the variable, right? The fluctuation. Health is going to be the only thing that is the constant. Health is the only thing that will never go out of style. After everybody is sick from living off of and riding these trends, they’re going to seek health. They’re going to seek wellness. They’re going to seek you. I want you to stay encouraged.
I want you to continue to walk the path that you are on and do not get distracted. Practice discernment.
I know it’s easy to feel like you’re missing out when you’re not living this life as everybody. I know that ignorance was bliss, right? When I used to eat all of the dead flesh, enjoy my Jamaican food, my soul food platters every single day, ignorance was bliss. It was delicious and it’s like consciousness is it don’t seem that fun, man, right?
Until you ascend, until you remember that you’re not missing anything and that help will never go out of style. Until you think about the karmic implications of these actions, until you think about yourself as an elder until you think about yourself in 50 years. Are you even going to make it 50 years? Until you think about yourself in 20 years? In 80 years, right? Because I’m still going to be here in 80 years. I don’t know what you all talking about.
I want you to just remember when you are tempted to stray off your spiritual path, when you are tempted to go off the railings as it relates to your health journey and respecting your body temple, I want you to remember that health will never go out of style.
When you feeling like, “I don’t know, I feel like maybe I should go give me a deep fried stuffed with cheese beyond burger with donut buns. I want you to remember the karmic implications of your actions. Every single action. When you live a life that is in alignment, you’re not worried about karma because all your karma is positive. That’s it. I just want to give you that gentle reminder because I know it’s easy to feel like you’re missing out.
It’s easy to feel like you are getting left behind. It’s easy to feel like you are lacking. It’s easy to feel like you are being deprived until you remember who you are and why you are here and why you’re on this journey. Do not forget, please. All right, that’s it. That’s all I wanted to say today.
Health will never go out of style. You could jump on what’s trending, but you’re always going to be left behind because health is a continuous journey. That’s true wealth, that’s true wellness. That’s true old money. The people who got old money are the people who have been building consistently their health daily and never straying. Even if they do stray, they come right back. They don’t get lost in these trends. All right, I’m going to go care for my babies. It’s time for me to log off and put the electronics down and go be a present mother.
I want to just say, stay strong. Stay disciplined. Pursue the path less travel. Discipline is a spiritual journey. People forget that it applies to every single aspect of your life.
I love you and I will see you next week. Make sure you’re on the waitlist for Medicine Making Monthly. Make sure you join us. If you join us within the first 48 hours, you get a bonus with me. And I’m excited to build with you, teach you all about wellness, holistic healing as it relates to the entire body, mind and spirit. All right, peace. Peace. Have a beautiful day.
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DISCLAIMER: Institute of Ancestral Medicine, Anuuma Apothecary, Heal at Home, Everything is Medicine, SLOW, and The Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program are founded by Anuuma Earth. This disclaimer is required. Nothing on this website is medical advice and has not been approved by the FDA. You should consult with your holistic doctor before making any changes to your diet or physical activity.