welcome to the institute of ancestral medicine - let's heal
The Medicine Woman and Master Herbalist that is dedicated to breaking generational curses for the Diaspora.
Happy Friday! It feels like it’s been so long. I know it’s been a week, but it feels like it’s been so long. I have been working intentionally. It’s a beautiful thing where your life can be this full even in the most uncomfortable moments. Look at that. More notifications. Even in the most uncomfortable moments, I can be at peace. I can be at ease. I can give thanks, right?
I want to share just a little bit, just a little touch, a little something, because I got a lot of stuff to finish. This will probably be a quick episode, but I’ll be deep in here next week. So, I was just reflecting on my life. I was reflecting on how far I have come from where I was as a child, where I was as a teenager, where I was even in my early adulthood. I was just reflecting and giving thanks on how far I have come.
Oh, my goodness. It’s a beautiful practice for you. If you want to just do this, just sit and reflect. Because it’s really easy to be ungrateful. It’s really easy to forget how far you’ve come. It’s really easy to think that you don’t have enough right now or to be distracted by things that maybe feel like a problem but aren’t, right?
I’ve been able to help thousands of humans. Thousands. I’m just getting started, right? I’ve been able to help thousands of people, and I’m only now doubling, tripling, quadrupling that because I understand the mission, I understand the vision, but I’ve been able to help thousands of people, and I haven’t been on the planet for nearly as long as I’m going to be, right?
I’ve been able to heal my children, care for my husband, heal and care for myself in any and every situation and ultimately create this purpose driven business. Businesses of my dreams, right? Two businesses that are focused on helping people. I’m so proud of who I am. I am so proud of how far I’ve come.
If you all have been with me, you know I dealt with all kinds of things. Abuse, right? Depression, anxiety, health issues, all of the things. I have the life of my dreams right now. I have the life of my dreams right now. I wrote an email on this and I talked about how I did all of these things simply by going deep instead of going wide, right? I did all of these things by journeying deeply with one herbal ally at a time, right?
With one traumatic experience or event with one formula, with one client, with one thing at a time, is how I’ve been able to achieve mastery.
I noticed that there were times in my life when I was trying to juggle a bunch of things and nothing got done right. I just ended up neglecting everything. But once I started to slow down and everybody is mad at me for slowing down, they don’t get it until they get it. Once I started to slow down, and this is why I preach and I practice and I teach.
Slow down by slowing down, you go faster. I did all of this by journeying deeply with one ally at a time. I did all of this by learning each plant on a physical, spiritual, and energetic level. Slowly, deeply, intentionally.
This is what I’m teaching my students, my members in Medicine Making Monthly. If you join us, enrollment opens on August 16. If you join us for this upcoming round, you will understand how this medicine weaves into all aspects of your life. You will journey deeply with one herbal ally each moon cycle. You will practice making simple home remedies and recipes at home. You will get to weave these sacred allies into your life in a way that is seamless, simple, and fun, right?
I think it’s important that you understand, like plants were the master teachers. They are what slowed me down. They are what that focus on doing one thing at a time. This is all holistic. This is holistic healing. It applies to all aspects of your life.
How you do one thing is how you do everything. It took me years of failing. It took me years of cyclic living, being unable to break out of these loops and cycles, these lessons, right? That spirit just kept giving back to me because I kept doing the same damn thing, right? It took me breaking the cycle, focusing on one thing and seeing that through to completion before I was able to unlock the life of my dreams. I don’t say that lightly, right?
I know what it’s like to be miserable. I know what it’s like to be sad. I know what it’s like to feel empty and feel broken. I know what that is like.
Think about where in life right now you are doing the same thing. I want you to think about where in life right now you are maybe perpetuating the same cycles. I want you to think about where in life right now you could slow down. I want you to think about where in life you are perpetuating the same cycles. I want you to think about where in life you are rushing. I want you to think about how rushing ultimately slows you down, how rushing, how skipping steps, how putting things off is ultimately slowing you down in the long run. right? Think about that. What are you doing?
Where are you at in life, where are you in this cyclic living? Like, where are you in your journey, where you keep going through the same things year after year after year?
One of my students told me that she goes through these same cycles. Every four years. Every four years, she goes through these cycles, and she couldn’t really understand why. Then, we talked about it, and she’s like, “Oh okay, I understand.” Spirit is not giving you the same message every four years. As you didn’t learn the lesson yet, you haven’t learned the lesson. So you’re going to keep getting the same things. It’s like this. It’s spinning, right? Spinning in self hypnosis and in alternative therapies. There’s something about breaking the spin so that you could get out of these same cycles that you perpetuate.
I want you to think about where in life you feel like something is missing. I want you to think about what you’re supposed to be doing to bring this episode back full circle, to bring it back home. What is your divine purpose? Are you taking somebody else’s spot right now? Do you hate what you’re doing? Because if so, that means you’re taking the spot of somebody who’s supposed to be doing that.
There is somebody who would love to have the life you have. If you are taking somebody else the spot, please go do your assignment. Go do your spiritual assignment, please. Please follow your spiritual assignment. That is it.
I got to go, y’all. I got a meeting. I love you, and I’ll see you next week.
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DISCLAIMER: Institute of Ancestral Medicine, Anuuma Apothecary, Heal at Home, Everything is Medicine, SLOW, and The Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program are founded by Anuuma Earth. This disclaimer is required. Nothing on this website is medical advice and has not been approved by the FDA. You should consult with your holistic doctor before making any changes to your diet or physical activity.