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The Medicine Woman and Master Herbalist that is dedicated to breaking generational curses for the Diaspora.
Spirit has guided me on so many things but something that came up that I wanted to talk about today was on judgments. Now, I’ve come a really long way in my spiritual journey. I’ve come a really, really long way in my life journey. My life is my spiritual journey. I’ve come an incredible of long way and I wanted to talk to you about judgments.
I’ve realized that it’s become common and almost expected for people to judge each other. I want you to know that as you ascend as you become and grow and really get higher along in your spiritual journey, you will ascend the need to judge.
I’ve realized that and I’ve even watched somebody who is like a self promoted Christian bash a lot of other people, a lot of other traditions, a lot of personal choices for others in the name of being a Christian.
I want to just share maybe if that’s you, for you to just really sit with what it means to be Christ-like. When you are a spiritual being, you are God, right? You are one with God. You embody God qualities. You act as God because if you truly believe in God and whether that be whatever form that comes in for you, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Allah, Jah, Muhammad, whatever that looks like for you. The names are just politics, right? Because it’s really all about oneness. It’s all about source.
I’ve never ever understood why people thought that a higher power or some sacred being would want to punish them or judge them or would care what their genitals look like or would care what their clothing looks like or lack of clothing looks like, would care, right? Come as you are.
I think we forget that we were born but naked. I think that we forget how we naturally came into this world. So all of these layers and masks that we decide to put on ourselves in an attempt to be presentable or in an attempt to be accepted or in an attempt to be loved, we forget who we are underneath all of these adornments, okay? That’s all they are simply adornments. I mean that from your skin, your flesh, your skin color, your body, your clothes, your jewelry, your body parts, these are all simply adornments, right? To a vessel that is holding and housing our spirit, our source, which if we are all oneness, us and nature and the divine God, the universe, if we all are one, then it really doesn’t matter.
But I had this thought, I used to judge every single thing, every single person, every single being. I used to judge it all. When I grew up, my grandmother and my mother used to talk about people, right? We would be out and it would be a lady with no bra on, and they would be like, now she know. She know better, right? Then, I grew up to be that lady with no bra, right? I don’t wear a bra, right? Bras do not support me. I have really large breasts. Bras really hurt my back. They feel restricted. They cut off my freedom and lymphatic circulation. It’s not really good for my breast health. It’s really healthy for my breasts to be free and to bounce. Yours too. But that’s science, so let’s stay on path, right?
I grew up to be that woman who didn’t wear who didn’t wear a bra. I grew up to be that woman, and I got a lot of what they gave out. I got a lot of it, and that’s okay, but it all stems from judgment.
I want you to think about if you are a spiritual person and you know what you believe it’s like to be God, like, to be Christ, like to be the universe, right? Some of my students say, like, “I know God is doing this, so I could do that.” And I’m like, “But why would God punish you? Why couldn’t it just be easy?” Like, you don’t have to use God as an excuse to abuse yourself. You don’t have to use spirit or the universe as an excuse to abuse yourself, whether that be the weather, whether that be your health. You know exactly what you’re supposed to be doing. But instead it’s easier to say, well, I’m a human, let me make these mistakes intentionally and blame it on God, right?
I want you to think about that and then let’s talk about the fact that if you were to show up as you are, if you were to show up in your body holy, with no clothes on, with no adornments, you would still be uniquely you, whether you had large breasts or small breasts. I thought about the fact that now when I’m out because I don’t wear bras and I haven’t wore bras for over ten years, right? But I thought about the fact that when I’m out and there is another woman with a partner, I’ll intentionally cover my breast. Not out of insecurity, right? Because I am finally secure in my body, not out of fear.
Like when I was in high school, I used to wear thick sweaters to try to cover my breasts because I got harassed, right? It wasn’t safe for me to just be in my body. It didn’t feel safe. I’m safe now. I am safe. I’m fully safe, right? So, now I cover my breasts when I walk by, like I did this recently and I can use this woman on as an example to kind of show you the energy that comes up. I know what it’s like to be an insecure woman. I know what it’s like to be self conscious. I know what it’s like to feel like you are not enough. I know what it’s like to feel like you have to be more than what you are in order to keep somebody.
I want to give you a gentle reminder and let you know that that is not true. It’s also important that you know that it will come if you stay on the path, it’ll come. You will heal, you will not be afraid, you will not be self conscious, you will not have low self esteem. You will love every bit of your body like I love every bit of mine.
I grew and pushed out four babies. I love every bit of me, right? I breastfed all of those babies. I love every bit of me, right? I remember on one of my Facebook ads, I was given thanks for the amount of people that I have been able to help in these past years and just thanking people for supporting the Apothecary. I wasn’t even selling anything. I got a bunch of comments about those stretched out silly putty breasts, you know what I’m saying?
I think that if you remember that everybody has a story. When you see somebody, you see surface level, you see adornments, which means that you know nothing about their story, you know nothing about their history. Their history, right? These stretched out silly putty. Guess what? They nourished four beautiful babies, right? And I’m just weaving all of these things into this, right?
When I saw that woman, and she first saw my husband, and she saw my husband. She saw my baby. She saw my baby. She was smiling. Then, I walked in and she looked at my body and her energy changed. Her energy shut down. She closed off because her husband was there. So, I cropped from my arms and I respectfully, I greeted both of them, but I greeted her because energetically, I noticed, like, as a woman, to feel like somebody else is stimulating my partner, which is not true, right? Your partner is a human. You are a human.
Everybody has responsibility for their thoughts, and even if they don’t, they have responsibility for their actions. If you are like your well being is dependent on somebody else not seeing anybody, it’s not a spiritual connection. It’s going to be really hard to build on something that is just surface level, something that is just a dormant, right?
All of that to say, if you find yourself judging somebody, you scrolling on Instagram, you are scrolling on Facebook, you’re walking outside and you have the thought to judge somebody, even if it’s just like, “I wonder why they’re wearing that, or look at her hair.” I want you to stop and say, “I wonder what their story is. I wonder what her story is. What is her story? What is history?” It’s all about stories. What is his story? What is her story? What is their story? Because if we stopped thinking that we knew everything based on a dormant, like, you might think this means something. You might think you know me based on some colors, you don’t. You might think you know me because of this, right? You don’t.
So, instead of coming to things with a judgmental mind, instead of coming to things thinking that you know, I want you to approach everything in life with a sense of curiosity, a sense of wonder, and see how that changes everything for you. See how that changes your entire state of being. See how it changes you. Give me that. It just simply doing this, just pausing. Even if the judgment comes up, because you have to coach yourself on this, you have to grow beyond this practice, because it’s a practice at this point, right? You’ve been doing it your entire life. You’ve been raised and groomed to do it your entire life, so it is mastery for you.
Now you have to intentionally unlearn this instead of judging somebody or something about something that has absolutely nothing to do with you, about something that doesn’t matter, get curious about their story. Get curious about their story. Also get curious about how it relates to you because you didn’t come in contact with them for no reason. Maybe that adornment that caught your eye, whether it be the fact that they’re not wearing a bra or the fact that their hair is not tamed, right? Or the fact that they smell a certain way or look a certain way, maybe that was to catch your attention because you are domesticated and you’re stuck in this matrix, that you haven’t been paying attention to the spiritual signs and the spiritual guidance that has been presented to you. Maybe it was to catch your attention. What message does this have for me, this judgment that caught my mind? What is it? Maybe it’s telling me to pay attention to my breast.
Maybe it’s telling me to love myself a little more because when you love yourself fully, you have no space to judge others. You have no space to dislike others because you are so full of love. If you could say I’m a Christian and in the same breath, say yoga is devil worship, you still got a way to go. Think about it. If you were God like, who cares about that? Why would I care about that? How would that even be a thing? If I created everything? How would there be any evil if I created everything?
There is no evil, there is no bad, there is no good. Everything just is. Until you can truly accept that, everything just is. Not only when it’s convenient for you, not only when it makes you feel comfortable, right? But all of the time, even when it doesn’t feel good, even when it is not your preference, if you could accept that everything just is.
I am who I am right now in this vessel with these adornments. It’s absolutely okay. Life is a blessing. This is that happiest and most content I’ve ever been in my entire life. Everything just is. When you accept that life changes for you, it know that on your path, there are no mistakes.
Know that until you get the lessons, they will continue to repeat themselves. Know that until you learn acceptance of all that is all. No matter how much it contradicts your beliefs, your domestication, the ideas that you were given, no matter how much. You will continue to get the same lessons over and over and over again until you are spiritually ready to ascend. Like, I’m getting freckles y’all. What is this? I mean, I’ve always had a few, but, like, seeing them giving thanks for everything.
Thank you. I’ll see you on the next one. Peace.
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