welcome to the institute of ancestral medicine - let's heal
The Medicine Woman and Master Herbalist that is dedicated to breaking generational curses for the Diaspora.
Welcome to another episode. I’m so grateful to share this space with you. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for tuning in. I’m so grateful. Before I get started, I want to ask if you could leave a review, whether you’re listening to this on Apple, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.
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Vibrationally attracts or repels other people of the same frequency. Today, I want to talk about a few things. I want to talk about the fact that this is a spiritual experience, and I really want to just invite you to come back home or you know what? Let’s keep this focused. Let’s keep this focused, and I’ll save that one for next week’s episode. This is a spiritual experience.
I think that often we forget that we are spiritual beings. We get so caught up in capitalism and I don’t even know what to call it. Vanity, right? We get so caught up in our avatars that we forget that we are spiritual beings. We forget what a privilege it is to live and exist and love and feel on this Earth. We forget how rich and how potent it is to experience being right. If you look at when babies are born and they are fascinated with everything, they’re looking at everything until we kind of dull them out. We domesticate them and we kind of take them away from that wonder of everything. Even children, children are so excited about everything and it doesn’t really get old until we kind of like, yeah, you said that last week. Yeah. They’ll get so excited about the same things over and over again, and often we just forget that we’re living a spiritual experience.
I want to talk about that today, how would your life shift if you were walking and living the spiritual teachings or spiritual truths that you believe in? How would your interactions change?
There’s this story, this parable about I’m going to mix it up a bit. We’re going to make this an African parable. I think it might be an ancient Chinese proverb. Just listen, all right? In case I butcher it a bit, I’m going to give it to you from our perspective, respect to the person who made this.
There is a human in a boat. There is a fisher human person, woman or man, I don’t know, or other. There is a human in a boat. Maybe not even a fishing, right? They are peaceful. We’re going to change the story. There’s a human in a boat just chilling, meditating. They are just letting the water guide them. They are guided down the canal, and somebody else in their boat bumps into them. So they open their eyes. They’re shaking from their meditation, and they are angry. “Yo, look where you going. You could have killed me. You could have flipped me over. I’m just trying to peacefully meditate and you interrupted me.” And the person is like, “Oh, I’m so sorry.” Or the person gets mad, too, and they yelling back, yell, get out of here, bro. Right, whatever.
However you want to take this. This is the story. The person is angry, they’re upset, and they’re like, this is not how the original story goes. I’m letting you all know I’m making up a story, all right? This is a spin off. So they’re like, I need to calm down. Go meditate again. These people don’t know how to drive. They don’t know how to ride a boat. They don’t know how to drive a boat. So I’m going to sit down. I’m a meditate. I’m a ground myself. I’m going to calm myself down and they proceed to get back in full lotus, close their eyes, deep breath. They’re trying to calm themselves down. And then as they’re sitting there, calmly meditating, boat is drifting.
As they’re calmly drifting, they’re meditating. Their eyes are closed, and then boom. Somebody bumps into them, and they are so angry. All of this anger wells up within them, right? Wells up within them. They open their eyes to find that nobody’s there. It’s just a boat. The boat just floated and bumped them, right? The boat wasn’t tied to the raft. So all of this anger, they go to yell and give that poison to somebody, and there’s nobody there to receive it. So they just deep sigh, release all of the anger, and they kind of giggle, like, I was about to be mad, about to curse somebody out, and it was just a boat.
I want to think about what if. You thought about every human you encountered as just a boat, right? There’s nobody to give blame to. There’s nobody to give your poison to. There’s nobody to give your anger to. What if we saw everybody as just a boat?
A lot of people are going through so many different things. You never know what somebody is going through. Instead of giving them your poison or projecting onto them, remember that this is a spiritual experience. If you encounter somebody, if they run their boat into you, they likely weren’t trying to harm you intentionally. If they were, it’s something going on with them. Something going on with them is not a direct reflection of you. It has nothing to do with you. They’re not crashing their boat into you because of you. They are crashing their boat into you because of them and if we could remember that, we can kind of move through life with unconditional kindness, compassion, and love.
Even if somebody is unkind to us and it feels intentional, it is not. It’s because of something that is going on with them. We can still be kind, we can still be compassionate. We can still hold space for them, right? We don’t have to stay there so that they can continuously crash into us. We can just say “Oh, I see. Maybe you’re having some trouble navigating your boat, so I’m going to paddle around you, my friend. I’m going to turn my jet ski on and go around you. I wish you the best. Do you need anything? Are you hurt? Can I help you?” Before I move on with my path, with my spiritual journey, this life is a spiritual experience. And so often we forget that.
So in forgetting that, we forget to be kind, we forget to be understanding. We forget that. We have had moments where maybe we were not our best selves. We have had moments where we were not our happiest selves. We have had our moments where we were not our nicest, our kindest selves.
When we encounter somebody who is not nice, who is not kind, who is not happy, who is not their best, we forget that compassion. We lose that compassion. We lose that sense of oneness, because we have all been there. Instead, we step into judgment, we step into anger, we step into I’m going to curse you out because you just bumped into my boat.
I want you to think about the fact that people have died because somebody has somebody’s sneaker. Like there is an uptown, y’all might not be from New York, there is an Air Force One that has got scuffed and somebody has died as a result of it because of egos. I want you to think about how silly that is, how silly that is, that somebody’s life could be taken because of something that could be replaced.
A life cannot be replaced. Yes, our souls are eternal, but you get one shot in this body, maybe you’ll come back in another body, but this body right here, do you get one shot. You get one shot in this body. So every interaction is an opportunity to cultivate more love, more happiness, more peace, more compassion, more kindness, because these are the vibrations, these are the energies, these are the feelings, the things that raise our energetic vibration, raise our energetic currency as spiritual beings on this Earth, okay?
When you encounter somebody, when somebody is doing something, they cut you off and you’re angry about it, or they bumped into you, or you took offense to something that they said, because nobody can offend you without your permission, right? You have to take in what somebody says, and you have to let it hurt you, like you have to let it touch you because you are not sure about yourself. You’re not grounded about yourself. Otherwise, other people’s words are just words. They are neutral, right? When you know who you are, when you are spiritually grounded, you are not phased by any of these things.
If I come visit you, if I come to your house, I would love it if you give me a water and some Mason Jar. That is such a blessing. I think I need to host some parties, some garden parties, just so I could feed you all and make you all herbal infusions and serve it to you in a Mason Jar. Little fancy glasses are cute, but it’s like the hand feeling feels so good. Like we get to experience all of these things. The way the Mason Jar feels in your hand is lovely. If I didn’t have a mason jar, I’d still be happy. I’m just giving thanks for what I have. The water in here tastes so clean, so crisp. It’s in glass. Energetically. It is.
I remember I used to strongly dislike water, isn’t that crazy? How can you dislike an element? How can you dislike what you are? We 60-75% water. How could you dislike you dislike yourself and I did. I disliked myself. I was always picking myself apart. Now I am one with all. I love water. I love myself. Everything is spiritual. This is a spiritual experience. I want you to walk like it, talk like it, live like it, laugh like it, feel like it. Okay? Love like it. This is a spiritual experience. We are all one. Oneness will always bring you back home.
If you are feeling upset, feeling anxious, if you’re feeling depressed, oneness, come back to that. Come back to self and then listen to last week’s episode, right? Where are you in breakdown so that you can achieve breakthrough? Think about it. Just change your perspective as you navigate this life. You can do and be anything. But just being is enough. So many times we miss the message. We miss the lessons because we try to be something. We try to become something. If you just allow yourself to be, you will be amazed. You will be amazed at who you are because we’re out here trying to replicate what we see instead of just being and being an example, right?
Being an inspiration, being and being a new creation. Everybody’s out here being copycats and clones. That’s why universal order is thrown off. We can restore universal order by just being. Everybody will be uniquely them. It will be such a beautiful, more even more beautiful place, okay? I love you.
Gentle reminder: This is a spiritual experience. You never know what somebody is going through.
Be kind. Even if you don’t understand, even if you feel triggered, even if you feel like they’re being mean. You don’t have to mirror that same image or that same energy. Be kind, okay? I love you. Sit with your spiritual experiences. Live with your spiritual experiences.
Love all of these spiritual experiences and know that there is no good and bad. It’s just all a blessing. It’s all an experience. The sensation might be more uncomfortable or more comfortable. It might be more pleasurable, but they’re all equally rich. Don’t miss that part. Don’t miss that. I love you. I’ll see you next week. Peace.
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