welcome to the institute of ancestral medicine - let's heal
The Medicine Woman and Master Herbalist that is dedicated to breaking generational curses for the Diaspora.
Today, I want to talk about how all your breakdown is actually your breakthrough. If you can get over that hump, if you could get to the other side, if you could keep pushing and not give up, if you could sit with the uncomfortable feelings, the uncomfortable sensations, if you could not fall prey or victim to your mind or your thoughts, your breakdown is often your breakthrough.
Most people usually don’t make it to the other side. They just stay in breakdown.
A lot of times we are one. We are victims, or not even victims, right? But we are participants in a lot of people’s stories, a lot of people’s lives, a lot of people’s simulations. We are also victims to our mind, to our thoughts. A lot of us inside of our head have a really poor experience with our mind. We’re not really in tune with our highest self so the thoughts and things that really go on in our head are really like experiencing hell all the time. It’s like experiencing having a really bad friend. I say friend loosely, but having somebody who is abusive, an abusive parent, an abusive partner, an abusive friend in your head all the time, speaking badly to you, speaking negatively to you.
Most people live in that hell 24/7 even when they involve other people, they bring them into that hell, right? You could think about any relationship that you have, whether it be with friend, partner, parents, family, whatever, siblings, right? Sometimes the person you’re encountering will have the purest intentions for you. But because you are living in this hell, in your head, you can’t see that. So you often project your negative thoughts, your negative thinking, your fears onto the people outside of you and you make them to be something that they are not.
This is where responsibility comes in, because you have to take responsibility for your thoughts, for your mind, and realize that sometimes your mind is your enemy. It’s not your friend, it’s not your ally, although you would think that because it’s coming from you, it’s there to protect you. I think you need to remember that our brains, our minds are, yes, always trying to protect us, but they’re not always right.
Most of the time, there is no danger, there is no need for us to be protected, right? I could give you a few examples. One of these being me growing up in having a traumatic childhood and then getting into relationships and being afraid, constantly afraid, right? Because the people who were supposed to love me hurt me intentionally. I would always be on edge. I would always be afraid and waiting, waiting, waiting for somebody to hurt me, even if they had no intention on ever hurting me, right?
I want you to think about how that presents true for you and your life. I want you to think about where maybe you self sabotage or keep yourself small or keep yourself back from doing the things that will bring you abundance, joy, love, freedom, happiness, and pleasure. Because you have that devil somebody in your head playing devil’s advocate.
Your breakdown is often your breakthrough. I’m going to say that one more time. Your breakdown is often your breakthrough. If you feel like you are losing yourself, if you feel like everything is going wrong, if you feel like you don’t know how you’re going to pay your bills if you feel like you don’t know how you’re going to make it? How you gonna get over this thing? How you gonna get over this person? How you’re going to make your dream happen? How you are going to be happy where you are?
Your breakdown is often your breakthrough. You got to wipe the tears from your eyes so that you can clearly see what is in front of you because the Divine is waiting for you to be ready. The divine is waiting for you to release fear and to stop being afraid of what isn’t right, what isn’t.
We focus on what we’re afraid might happen, even though the only way that that thing will happen is if we continue to think about it because we create our results with our thoughts. If we could shift our thinking and really see the blessing and the beauty and the breakdown so that we can achieve the breakthrough, our lives will change rapidly.
We will appreciate the breakdown because it provides us with perspective, right? It provides us with presence. It provides us with the opportunity to heal, right? It provides us with the opportunity to see beauty in all that is and to release our preferences because a lot of time we have preferences on how things should be, right? It should be sunny. It shouldn’t rain because I don’t want my hair to get messed up. It should be sunny. It shouldn’t rain because I want to have a birthday party outside.
Y’all, yesterday it poured down raining. Guess what? My entire family, my entire family went outside and danced in the rain. Even my little baby. It was so beautiful and when I say this, I had this out of body spiritual experience and yesterday was incredible for me. So many downloads came to me, but I had this out of body spiritual experience, watching them dancing in the rain, having joy. It was pure bliss.
You could think about the past episode where I talked about washing away trauma with the rain, right? How we got into that car accident, and then I was traumatized, right? Every time it rained, I would be afraid, especially when I was in a car, right? So if we’re driving and it’s raining, I’m like, damn, I don’t want to get into an accident. If it’s raining hard, I can’t really see. And we’re skidding and all of the things, right?
Rain was associated with trauma for me, and then it was associated with rebirth, it was associated with blessings, it was associated with anointing, because I was able to turn that breakdown into a breakthrough. Okay, I’m going to teach you all about this in herbal.
Listen, yesterday, even though the day that I recorded that episode and it rained, after I talked about cleansing and healing and releasing, and then the same thing was true for yesterday. I was in this middle state, right? Just like right beyond the veil. And my son said, I could see the storm coming. He came inside, I could see the storm coming. I know it’s about to rain. My son is very tapped in. So of course it rained, right? He said it was going to rain. And once it rained, everybody went outside. They were giggling and laughing and so much joy. Even my husband holding our son, our baby is out there dancing in the rain and it was so much joy. Baby is dancing, my daughter is dancing, my middle son is dancing, my oldest son is dancing and it was just beautiful.
So where can you find the breakthrough and your breakdown? How is your breakdown serving you? How is it teaching you? How is it touching you? Because most of the time the breakdown is what we need because we are busy. We were so busy trying not to be present. We are so busy trying to get things done real fast. Hurry, hurry, hurry, move. Microwave, microwave. We are so busy that we slow down to be present, to receive what we want, to do what we actually want, to feel what we want. So instead we’re just feeling anxiety, rushing, fear, anger, frustration because we’re moving too fast.
The breakdown forces you to stop. The breakdown forces you to feel. The breakdown forces you to be present and the breakdown forces you to address and acknowledge your fears. The breakdown is the pathway to your breakthrough.
I’m wide open. I’m broken wide open and I didn’t realize that I needed to get broken open more. I didn’t realize that I needed to come back to spiritual teacher. I had stopped mastery. I had stopped actively practicing my craft and my spiritual path and my offering because I was coasting. I was coasting and spirit kept saying you’ll come back, come back, be present, come back.
You never stop learning. You never stop practicing. Come back. You’re getting lost, you’re getting distracted. You have a different, you’re working for something different. Come back.
Well, let me give you a breakdown so that you could get this breakthrough because the only way that I could slow you down is to stop you. Just need to stop you for a minute and then you will slow down and have sustainable growth, right? Your breakdown is often your breakthrough.
Where do you need a breakthrough? Where do you need a miracle? There’s a saying that says if you’re too busy to meditate for five minutes then you need to meditate for an hour. That was me. Y’all I’m too busy, I don’t have the time. I got to finish this things. These people are going to be upset. Y’all I’m too busy, I got to do my children need, I’m too busy. I don’t have time for that. I got to I don’t have time for my spiritual practice. I don’t have time to do slow. Everybody wants things fast. I got to hurry up. I got to hurry up, I got to hurry up. Don’t want to disappoint anybody. And then what happens? I disappoint myself and I disappoint everybody because the breakdown is going to stop you completely. Ain’t nothing happening during the breakdown, know that.
Not a damn thing is happening during the breakdown, know that. You could try to avoid the breakdown by living in breakthrough but if you too busy to stop and meditate for five minutes, the breakdown will force you to stop for an hour. The breakdown will force you to stop for a weekend. The breakdown will force you to stop for a week. If you are too busy to meditate for five minutes a day, the breakdown will force you to stop for five months. Okay?
This is a spiritual process. Life is a spiritual process. But we are so detached. We are not living it. Where do you need to find your breakthrough? Can you find it before you get a required breakdown? That’s a lot easier. I mean, the lesson is potent when you get that breakdown, but you don’t have to get that. It doesn’t have to be hard. It could all be easy. It could all be gentle.
The breakdown is the precursor to your breakthrough. Live in breakthrough, and you never have to experience another breakdown in your life. The breakdowns will continuously continue to come until you get the lessons that you are meant to get.
I often have 1ft in, 1ft out, and I teach my students in the Ancestral Medicine Woman Certification Program about connecting to spirit. At one point, I was afraid. I’m like ”Yo, this is kind of weird. Like, I don’t know if I’m trying to be in this I don’t know if I’m trying to do this right.” Then I surrender, and I’m clearly guided and it doesn’t really matter if I think something is weird, right? It doesn’t really matter because it just is.
When I listen and when I surrender and when I walk the path that I’m divinely guided, there is no fear. There is no pain. There is only abundance. There is only joy. There is only happiness. But I’ve been resisting that this whole time. Why? I want you to ask yourself why. Why do you think that if you follow your assignment, you’re going to be misguided? You won’t. So I want you to release and live in breakthrough so that you don’t have to get broken down. And if you prefer to get broken down, pay attention to the lessons that are presented to you, okay?
Pay attention, because God, spirit, the universe, whatever you want to call it is all oneness. When you are divinely connected to oneness, you have no judgment of anybody, right? You’re not judging or cringing when I say God instead of spirit. You’re not triggered if I reference a religion or a spiritual practice. You’re not cringing if I say a shaman or a priest. It doesn’t matter, because we are oneness. We are one, right? You get to transcend all of these labels, and you get to live in breakthrough.
Your breakdown is trying to initiate you into living in breakthrough. Whether you call yourself a Christian, a Buddhist, or an atheist. We are all one. It is oneness. I don’t care what your label is. I’ve realized even in this breakdown, you still judging. There is no judgment.
Everything just is. There is no good. There is no bad. Everything just is. Release the need to control. Release the need for preference. Live in breakthrough. Listen to my guidance. I got you. Pay attention to the signs. I’m giving you everything you need. You are divinely guided. This breakdown is just your initiation into your breakthrough.
If you don’t want to fully surrender to the breakdown, okay, I’ll bring you another one. I’ll bring you another one until you get it. If you are currently feel like you’re going through a breakdown, if you feel like you don’t know how you’re going to make it to the next day, I want to just remind you your breakdown is your precursor to your breakthrough, okay?
I have been sending a lot of emails lately just because that’s what I was guided to do, and then I was guided to stop. But one day I didn’t feel like sending an email, I was like, I’m not sending no email. And Spirit was like, yo, I need you to write this, and I need you to send it right now. I’m going to give it to you. I wrote it and I sent it, and I was like, I guess.
Then, I got an email from somebody and said, “Thank you so much. I was considering suicide. This email gave me hope. Thank you so much.” I can’t make this up, y’all. I cannot make this up and I’m humbled because I’m reminded over and over again, just follow your assignment. Spiritual obedience. Don’t care about your ego. This is a spiritual experience. I don’t care about your ego. I don’t care about you cringing about labels. I don’t care about any of that.
Follow your assignment and watch experience and see the miracles of life. You will be so surprised.
Give thanks for your breakdown. Give thanks for the many breakdowns that you have gotten. Know that they are softening you and opening you up to receive. Give thanks for all that is. Give thanks for all you are. Give thanks for life, okay? I love you. I’ll see you next week. Peace.
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