welcome to the institute of ancestral medicine - let's heal
The Medicine Woman and Master Herbalist that is dedicated to breaking generational curses for the Diaspora.
This season 2 is it’s a new, it’s a new lady, all right, Y’all going to get to know me very deeply because I don’t want you to be afraid of being you, of showing up as yourself, as I did for so many years. I felt like I had to present myself a certain way and I had to stay in this box so that people would get the message right because they wouldn’t take the message from somebody who looked like this, who, or whatever, Shorty has evolved.
Let’s talk about addiction. Addiction. I don’t even know where to start. Y’all know. I just flow. So, today’s spirit told me to talk about addiction and that’s what we going to do. I think it’s important that I give you a little bit, a little bit of background, a little bit of context so you know, y’all know what the title is. So, there’s really no need for a trigger warning, I think if you are triggered.
Anything that I say, it’s a beautiful, welcoming home. It’s an opportunity for you to explore deeply what that means for you and then see how you can address it and heal it. Everybody is so sensitive in the world, and I used to be one of them people like one of those people. My husband is so the opposite he’s very empathetic, he’s very compassionate. I get it now because I have transcended the victim mentality. I’ve transcended that like that root shock. I’ve ascended it. We’re so focused on what everybody else thinks. We’re so like people are not deeply connected. I will say that, and if you’re triggered by that, explore that because I used to be triggered when people aren’t even worried about me. I used to be like offended, like the what are you offended for, right?
I noticed that a lot of people are like that right now and like you have full control over you. If you have full control over your mind, when you learn how to master your mind, and master your emotions and yourself, your entire life changes. I’m gonna show y’all how to do that in this new offering but that’s something different.
So, on both sides of my family, addiction is prevalent. Addiction is heavy. If we talk about generational curses. If we talk about generational diseases. If we talk about generational trauma. I think it starts with addiction for my lineage, right? So, both sides of my family, they have been use of all kind of drugs. We could talk about crack cocaine, we could talk about a lot of things, right? We could talk about broken, broken families and broken minds like me really having to strengthen my mental, mental health because abuse and addiction are the same thing. So we could talk about drug abuse and my family, we could talk about physical abuse in my family.
Where you know, I was getting beat and I would look to escape and I, you know, I didn’t do any drugs. I was really anti-drug for a really long time and I eventually you know, used cannabis, smoke cannabis, and leaned on cannabis as an ally but also as an escapism tactic for my life growing up. But other than that, I was very afraid of drugs because of what I saw due to my family, right? And then abuse being the same thing, right? How my father was comfortable abusing me my entire life, How my mother was comfortable abusing me, and seeing kind of how that rips people apart.
What it does to you on a traumatic level, on a spiritual level, on a emotional level, as a child, as a young woman growing up, it can contribute to a lot of different addictions in your life, how they present, how that people have addictions and they kind of pass that on to you and then it manifests in you in different ways. Then, you gotta learn how to navigate that. You gotta learn how to overcome that and not just say I’m triggered. I don’t want to deal with it. I’m triggered. I don’t want to talk about it. I’m triggered. Give me a trigger warning so I can go away and never listen to it again. Trigger don’t trigger me because I don’t want you to touch my wounds. I don’t want to open my wounds so they can heal. Don’t touch my. I need a trigger warning so that I can keep my wounds wrapped up so they don’t get air so they can’t heal. Trigger warning, I need you to be open to addressing the trigger.
So that you can be free of the trigger. God damn. Listen, if somebody would have gave me that thought 10 years ago, I would have saved myself so much pain. I would have saved my family so much pain. I would have saved myself so much time. I want to give you that gift. If you are strong enough to just listen, open yourself up to healing and doing the work. I want to give you that gift today, OK?
Addiction has shown up for me in so many different ways and I don’t want you to listen to this and try to pick yourself apart. I don’t want you to listen to this and try to pick me apart what you can do because I’m whole right. Whatever you do with your judgment on your own time is for you don’t got nothing to do with me. But I want you to just listen, right? Because there is something here for you if you made it to this episode. Spirit as God is you here for a reason. So, I want you to just listen when the message that comes for you.
Hits just take it all in. You don’t have to do nothing with it. You don’t have to run out and go try to try to do something to yourself. You are not broken. I just want you to let it. I wish you let it be the salve to your wounds. Let it gently unwrap that trigger package that you done tightened up in that trigger lock that you got on that lockbox. Let yourself unfold and melt into presence, into softness, into freedom, OK?
Triggers come up a lot in this ancestral medicine women certification program and that’s why it’s so prevalent for me, because my entire life was triggers, right? I was constantly you think about PTSD was constantly like having flashbacks or constantly living in my hell, which was the past in the present. I want you to think about that. I was keeping myself in hell in the present by constantly torturing myself with memories of the past. I wasn’t ready to let it go, even though it’s really simple to let it go but when you’re trapped in the hell of your mind, it seems almost impossible. I can’t get over this. They hurt me so much it hurts. It hurts like it’s haunting me. But the only reason it’s haunting us is because we’re subconsciously addicted to the identity that comes with it. We are addicted to the desire for reparations. We are addicted to the desire for somebody to say sorry, somebody to care about how much they hurt us. We just want somebody. We just want some kind of some kind something. And the truth is we’re never going to get that something. Because even if the person who hurts you says sorry, even if the person who hurts you truly, you know, felt bad if they died, if they, you know, something bad happened to them, that doesn’t negate what happened to you and it also.
That’s not that’s not karma, right? I think healing and evolving spiritually and doing the spiritual work and even doing the work used to irritate me. Like, yo, shut up. But you mean doing the work like you don’t. You don’t know what you don’t know. What I’ve been through, what I’ve been through was the work. But now listen to me. Listen to me because I’ve been on both sides and doing the work, it doesn’t matter what anybody did to you? It doesn’t matter.
Yo, I was beat. Like to the point where I was so sore. I had bruises, I had whelps, I had the Gucci label embedded in my leg. One time, because my mom hit me with the buckle by accident. I’m sure it was an accident. I mean, she was beating me with the biggest, thickest leather belt. But I don’t think she meant to hit me with a metal buckle. But even if she did, I was imprinted with the Gucci symbol and I can laugh about this now because I’m healed.
Before I would have been triggered, I would have been so triggered. It’s funny because I got branded. Oh, and I could have so much empathy for a cow because I was branded too. Damn. Anyway, I’m grateful for every lesson I’m grateful for. Every lesson. I’m grateful for every experience because it brought me here, it made me who I am right now. Sexual trauma. When I say I don’t went through the I went through the gamut. Is that the word? I’ve been through all of the ups and downs. Physical abuse. Mental abuse. Emotional abuse. Heartbreak. Sexual abuse. Molestation manipulation all of it. So what? Who give? Nobody gives a fuck. To be honest, nobody cares. And while I was spending all those years wallowing in my sorrows and my victimhood and victimship. And that was my identity. I was keeping myself there because I couldn’t easily chosen to simply let go. My husband said something to me yesterday because we were talking about somebody who said that I triggered something within them and I didn’t even notice it right. I was being honest. I was speaking to them from this deep place of love and they like picked something random that I said and they like zoomed in on that and it had nothing to do with them, but they made it all about them.
And this is where the four agreements come into life. If you really live the four Agreements, I did an apprenticeship with Don Miguel Ruiz a few years ago, and I wasn’t really present for it, right? It didn’t really hit me like it needed to hit me. But even just going back simply to the books, that has everything that I needed, right? You don’t take things personally, You don’t make assumptions. If somebody says something to you, So what if you get offended? It’s because something within you is triggered. It’s not the outside person. Nobody can make you feel something without your permission. You have to give somebody that power, which means that you essentially made yourself feel that. So what I was saying was my husband yesterday was like, yo. I learned a lot about trauma and triggers and and all of this stuff that people talk about, this mental health is anxiety and this world, you know, like because of you, right? Because I never had that experience. I don’t. I never hold on to stuff.
Even when I had like, traumatic experiences, and The thing is he didn’t, he never experienced trauma like me, right? And he had some trauma in his life, but it feels like we can’t compare traumas. But to me then it felt like, yo, you only got a taste of what trauma is. I lived trauma, right? But now I realize it’s So what? It’s perspective. You can’t compare trauma. So like, it don’t matter. It’s about how you handle it. And he showed me and how he handles and navigates life. You could be free or you could be a prisoner I freed myself now, but I used to be the prisoner, So my husband showed me he was like, yo, like I learned that from you. And like I used to always try to tell you like, yo, you don’t have to be depressed. You don’t have to be sad anymore. You don’t have to. And you used to be upset. And I never understood because I would think about all these people who, you know, stay in this anxiety and all of this stuff, like if they got amnesia, like if something happened to them and they had a really bad accident and they couldn’t remember anything.
Like, I know you talk about like trauma memories being stored in your body, but what they really? And I thought about that yesterday and I was like, damn, I don’t know. Because I wonder if those memories that are stored within our body are triggered by our minds. Because we hold on to those memories so deeply in our minds that our bodies hold on to the memories because you can transcend the body with your mind. I want you to hear me for a second. You can transcend the body with the mind, and you can transcend the mind with the spirit, which is where I am right now, right? I used to stay in hell in my mind, right? To escape the abuse while I was getting beat. I would transcend my body with my mind, but then I would stay in hell in my mind and I would replay the beatings, because at first I didn’t know how to transcend my body. So I felt all of the pain. Then I went through this phase where I loved pain. I enjoyed it.
Because I learned how to transcend my body with my mind, even during childbirth. It’s pleasurable to me, right? I went through this phase where I was like, I’m heavy in the BDSM cuz I want to experience the pleasure and the pain. I’m telling you I’m getting vulnerable with y’all. Listen to me, it’s a lot of black folk who think that they enter kink because that’s just what they into not realizing that they’re trying to express themselves or navigate a part of their trauma, heal their trauma through kink, right through BDSM and heal PTSD through BDSM. It’s like a whole thing. I got a bunch of tattoos because I like the pain of it after being beat for years, right? I got a lot of piercings and I did a lot of things right that you think about somebody had a safe upbringing. They’re not really doing that. They’re not really seeking those kinds of earthly experiences because they are at ease. They’re fulfilled, They’re pleased. You got to think about the rebels. Why we are rebels. You got to think about the people who are covered in tattoos. Why are we covered in tattoos? People got a bunch of piercings. Think about our history, Right? Okay.
So, another way addiction presented itself for me was through food, right? And a lot of y’all know. I went to culinary school, I went to college, I was a professional chef. I was a worked in the restaurants. I was working 13 hour days. Like that was my escape is it felt so good to me. It was so fast. Tickets would come in and I would not take a break for hours. I wouldn’t eat for 13 hours and it felt so good to me. I left my mother’s house early. I left my mother’s house at something teen. And I was so excited and she was so mad. She didn’t even talk to me. She didn’t even come see my first place. I was so proud of it. She was so mad that I left even though she was harming me. That’s funny too. That’s funny, right? We got to think about, we got to learn how to master our minds. We going to go deep into that and her, because it changed my life. And I want to show other people how to do that, but I can’t show the people who are not ready because they’ll be too busy being triggered. You got to be ready to release your triggers. You got to be ready to embody health. You got to be ready to step into true Wellness, Wellness, and leave the illness behind. Leave the victim mentality behind. Leave the triggered state of life behind. Let’s talk about addictions. What are you afraid to let go of? What brings up triggers for you? The triggers are the truth.
The triggers are the gateway like yos, any. You bring up triggers, dog. That’s the truth. Let’s talk about it. You are triggered. Oh, I’m intrigued. This is the path to healing. You are triggered. Oh, there is, there’s the, there’s the answer. Let’s dive deep into what is triggering you and why you are triggered. That’s how we get the answer. Y’all. When you trigger, you don’t suppress the trigger. When you’re triggered, you explore it. You come to it with curiosity even when it’s uncomfortable because if you keep suppressing the trigger, if you put a sign outside on the front door that says requires a trigger warning. You never you stay locked into that house. You need somebody to open the door and say, yo come outside, it’s beautiful, come outside, smell the fuck, smell the violets. Is freeing out here. You don’t have to stay in there in hell. You don’t have to stay in there and be tortured.
You don’t have to stay there. It’s not for you. But the human mind can be a human prison. That’s not humane. You locking yourself in the box of your mind with rations and slop. You don’t know what it looks like to be outside of those walls. Like the confines of your mind, you can free yourself. Addictions to food, addictions to drug, self medicating addictions to distracting yourself. Addictions to sex, Addictions to pain. Addictions to relationships that constantly hurt you. You’re not attracting that mate because that’s what you attract, you attracting that mate because you are addicted to staying in this trigger trauma victim mode. Once you decide to step out of that, what you attract will be differently. I used to be annoyed when people said you attract your reality and I’m like, so I attracted getting abused. I attracted getting molested at six. I attracted it. And then I said, oh, I get it. It’s not that you attracted being hurt. It’s not that you attracted an abusive parent or I mean in some sense, right? Everything happens for a reason. Because look at me, I’m so grateful for what I went through, what I grew through. I because I understand. It makes me appreciate every single woman of life.
Like the journey to get here was the destination that yo-yo, this episode is going to go over so many heads. And that’s OK because it’s going to live here. You could come back when you’re ready. It took me how many years to get here. It took me anger and circles and circles. It took me like fake hailing. I used to be like, yeah, I’m good. I’m good because I suppressed it, right. Never did the real work of. I didn’t like I suppressed it. But I still needed to trigger one. You ain’t hell, Shorty. You ain’t healed. If you need a trigger One. It would trigger for what? I’m not triggered. Trigger what? Ain’t no triggers around here. This ain’t no landmine. It’s a sanctuary. You could walk freely. The only thing that’s going to creak is my wooden floors. Because they old. They old. But they got wisdom, right? That’s me.
The old wooden floors at a sanctuary, That Creek. You don’t need a trigger warning because it’s just a part of every step, every step I make, every step I take. It may be like a little Creek in the floorboard, but nobody needs a warning because they’re so deep in meditation that they’re unbothered by my existence. Can y’all feel me. I’m speaking in parables. I’m looking at all of these books I got. I bought thousands of books searching for the answers to what? Like what ultimately was laid down in front of me. But I was distracting myself trying to find the answer from somebody else through somebody else’s experience. So what I want to offer you is a guide to, like, really, how to navigate your experience, how to pay attention to your experience, what’s a look for so you don’t miss it.
There were so many things clearly presented to me, so many teachers presented to me, so many lessons, even in the things that I thought were the traumas and the triggers that would have freed me. But I missed how to how to perceive them. I missed how to manage my mind. I missed how to see the beauty and the birding and the blessings and the burdens, perceived burdens. Do you feel me so? Like this. This episode is really. I told you, I don’t. I don’t write anything. I don’t script anything. So I don’t even know what’s within this, this, these sound waves, because I just, I just spoke right here. I just spoke. Everything just came out. So I’ll listen to it, one of these, maybe in a few months, right when I need to hear it again, when I need a reminder. But know that addictions can present in many different ways.
And one of the ways that I’m reminded of this is every time somebody joins the Ancestral Medicine Woman program and it’s time for them to go through initiation. I already know what their addictions are because they are very hesitant and they give a lot of resistance to the process. And they ask, you know, well, can we make an exception for this? Or I can’t give up that? Well, I can do that, but I can’t do that. And it reminds me of myself when I like, try to bargain with myself or bargain with spirit or rationalize with spirit when I’m guided to do something.
When Spirit says you need to do it fast or you need to do a cleanse or I need you to undergo this initiation, I’m like, whoa, can I still do this? And they’re like, no, this is, this is the outline. This is the blueprint. And I’m like, yeah, but can we just make this one exception? You feel me like I’m haggling with spirit. And when people come into the program and they try to haggle for this thing, I’m like, that’s the addiction. That’s the thing that you need to let go of most, and a lot of people won’t do it. So they go through the program and they fight and fight and fight until they get it. And sometimes it takes people longer than others. Some people would only take a week, Some people would take them eleven months. Some people it might take them three years. Trust the timing of your life. Last week we talked about divine timing. Y’all in a rush. For me, it took me like 10 years to get here. It took me 10 years to get here. Let me say that a little louder. I know I’m whispering. It took me 10.
I’m lying. It took me, might have took me 20 years to get here. If I’m being honest, it might have took me 20 years to get to this point. And I still got a long way to grow. I’m humble, I’m ready. I’m open to all of the lessons and the blessings and the teachings and the regions and the I’m here for it. And I’m grateful for the people who are guiding me along the way, intentionally and unintentionally. Even, my children, my children are daily master teachers if I get any kind of trigger. From them. Same thing with my husband. Any kind of trigger from him. There is my next lesson, and there is my next path to walk. There is my guide to healing deeper and deeper, right? If I get a text from my mother or my sister and I am triggered, yeah, there’s the guy to go deeper. Release, right? Nobody can trigger me anymore. And the next time something comes up, there is my next assignment. What is your assignment?
What is the assignment that is waiting for you to step into it? Think about that for me. Don’t think about it for me. Think about it for you. Season 2 got the long episode? Yeah, yeah, I got something to savor on. This is everything that I’m going deep into in her. This is what I’m guided to talk about. And I didn’t know how passionate I felt about spiritual, like true spiritual living true holistic living. True. Mind management and mind mindfulness, spiritual elevation, Ascending your mind. I get the obsession with enlightenment because if you can witness your mind and you can also master your mind, you master your life. And not in the sense of you want to have control over it, but in a sense where you want no control over it. You are so excited about the freedom of being and experiencing, even when it’s uncomfortable.
Every moment is just another opportunity to experience and grow. It changes everything for you. It attracts so much abundance for you. Like, yo, I just. I just got it. What the? I just got it. I’m so grateful. I remember there was a point when I was like, I need to leave everything behind because I felt so trapped. I felt so triggered. I felt so boxed in. I felt so lost and misguided and I felt so alone and isolated. I’m here to tell you, you don’t have to feel like that unless it’s truly a part of your journey. But a lot of us keep ourselves trapped there.
And even if we are meant to experience, it is not supposed to be for long. It’s for perspective. But we hold on to that experience and then we live it as truth. OK, And I don’t like what people drink or eat in my ear, but you know, whatever’s the experience, right? I thought about that as I did it. I’m like, there’s something for you. They’ll be triggered by me swallowing and drinking on this podcast. Addictions, addictions, addictions. I finally released addictions to food. And guess what? My health ballooned. My health thrived and I ate the way that I was trying to control myself, to eat freely because I I released the confines. So that’s that’s what I I think that’s where I’m at in this. If you find that you are triggered by something, I want you to look at where you are.
Trying to put these big limitations on yourself or where you are avoiding putting limitations on yourself. It goes two ways and it depends on who you are as a person and if you do join her. I can help you navigate this, but I want you to look at this even if you don’t join, I want you to know this. So where you are triggered or where you have addictions or where you feel like you are struggling. I want you to see if either you’re trying to have all of the control or if you are trying to have no control and then I want you to lean into the opposite okay. I want you to lean into where spirit is guiding you and think about where you are haggling spirit, where you are bargaining, where you are at the farmers market and you’re like, yo like, but spirit, can I can I get 10 for 10 for a dollar? I know you said it was eight for a dollar, but can I get 2 free Like I’m trying to get. I’m trying to get something though. I’m trying to capitalize.
You know what I’m saying? You know, like I’m abundance, abundance. Spirit can I get. I want you to think about where you doing it in life. And then I want you to be like, yo, I’m so abundant spirit. I’m going to give you a dollar for six of them because I only need six. You could keep the other two. Give them to somebody else who needs them more than me. Can y’all feel the richness of that. Somebody came to my house yesterday and the business has been closed, right? I haven’t opened enrollment. And I could have been like, I don’t have the money to give you, Sir. Right. But he walked up on me. My daughter said, can you please call us? Hi. I’ve been working with my head down. I’ve been working with my head down. And, you know, like just a lot of things been going on. A lot of unexpected expenses been coming up. And I could have been like, no, but like I was. My daughter said can you please, can we please call us? Hi, Mom. Mama. Mama. Yeah, she called me Mama now.
Mama, because she wants to ride a bike. And I’m like, yeah, I can stop what I’m doing. I need to need to. Yes, teacher. Yes. I’m breaking. Breaking open. Breaking wide open. I’m taking a break from this work to break wide open. Yes, we could go sit outside. So we sitting outside. She asked me to go outside and you know, I surrendered. I said yes. We went outside and I took my baby outside. My other two sons were inside. I take my baby son outside and we’re sitting outside and it’s lovely. Feels so good. Perfect weather. And she’s riding back and forth and she’s smiling and she’s like race car. No, no, no. You know, like the daughter and A and a a family of sons, right? She’s the sunshine and she’s having so much fun as some dude walks up, like from it felt like from nowhere.
He walked up from like around my van. He didn’t walk up on the sidewalk. He came from around my, like, he was walking in the street and it kind of felt like he appeared, appeared from nowhere because I just happened to look up. And he was like, yo, like, well, he didn’t say yo. I talked like that. Y’all get to know me. But he was like, excuse me, ma’am, it’s a black man, probably in his 50s. He didn’t have many teeth. I’m sorry to bother you. I’m so sorry to bother you. He kept saying I’m so sorry to bother you. And I’m like, you’re not bothering me. What’s up? And he was like. Do you have any work? Like, do y’all have any work that I can do for y’all to earn some money? And I’m like, what he’s like? Like, do you have any work so that I can earn some money? Like my mother is in the hospital. They said she’s not going to make it past tonight. They said she’s not going to make it past the night and she was at this hospital and I don’t remember, he said. And they transferred her to Norfolk. They weren’t treating her well at that the place, so they transferred to Norfolk and now they say she’s not going to make it through the night and I just need some gas money to get to Norfolk because they say she’s not going to make it through the night. And I said why? And I, like, missed the fact that he asked for gas money so he could drive to the hospital and I said why? Because I can help her, right. Maybe I can help her. And he, he didn’t understand why he was like because she has been sick. And spirit said to me, like you can help her.
And I was like, like lost for a moment. And he was like, you know, do you have any? I just want to get to the hospital. And I was like, remembering sometimes maybe there’s not enough time to help people, but maybe there always is time. But some people are just in a rush. When we were saving my son’s life, I was speaking to the sky. And this is the first time I ever did that. I was like, spirit, please. God, please guide me. Show me that I truly believe in what I teach. Show me that I truly believe in herbal medicine. Show me, please, that this is real. Because I don’t want my son to die. I got to do this. And then I had to release the attachment to death. Because fear of death is fear of life. We all die. I can’t hold on to fear of death. That’s selfish. My husband teaches me that every day. We can’t be afraid for somebody else to die. We can’t just want to save somebody’s life because we are afraid of death or because we are afraid to lose them. We have to want to save their life because they want to live, because we want to help them. Not for our own selfish reasons, right? We can’t be addicted to them. We can’t be addicted to people, right? That’s one of my spiritual books.
One of my spiritual bibles teaches me that the addiction to people is the downfall. We just have to love and appreciate every moment. We have to live and appreciate and savor every moment like it is the only moment Because it is, But we miss that anyway, the man said “I just need some gas money.” And I said, hold on for a second. And at the same moment my son came outside, Justice, my oldest son. And he said, you’re right, Mom. And I said, yeah, can you sit outside, right, like with your siblings real quick, I’m, I’m going to go inside real quick. And he said yes. So he sat down with his little brother and he watched his sister because there’s a strange man out front who I never saw before. And that’s the thing. He said, I’m your neighbor. And I said, you’re my neighbor, Where do you live? Because I don’t know you and then I remember it. My husband always tells me it doesn’t matter if somebody’s lying or not. They ask you for money. It doesn’t matter what they want it for. You give it to them because you can help them. You don’t know if they’re going to buy drugs. You don’t know if they’re going to buy food. But it’s not up to you to cast their judgment. It’s not up to you to play God and say why. I’ll only give it to you if this If you’re going to help them, help them, you have to release attachment and addiction to the outcome. It’s not it’s not up to you to decide. It’s up to you to decide if you’re going to help somebody.
If somebody asks you for help, it’s up to you to decide yes or no. You can’t dictate what they’re going to do with that help, right? I can give somebody the keys to living their dream life, right? Making medicine, helping people. And they could choose to make poison. We’re learning how to formulate medicine. They can learn to say, like, I could teach them about the caster seed and they could choose to say thank you so much that that saves so many. Or they could choose to make poison. Like, it’s up to me to show up to help people and know that my intention is pure and what people do with it I have no control over. So anyway, I went in the house and I was going to go upstairs and look for some money for this man, even though at one point I thought that I didn’t have any money, right? And the spirit reminded me, you have everything you need and you always have money, even when you think you don’t or when you in this state of lack. I’m going to show you where the money is. So I went to the back and I said, hey Hon, can you go out front real quick? Three out of four of our children are out there.
That’s not what I said, but I’m saying that to y’all and this man is out there. He’s asking for money because he said his mother is not going to make it through the night. And he was like, wait, what? I said he asked us if we had some work that he could do so that he could get more gas money for. He was like, he asked for gas. Like I got gas. I was like, I’m going to look upstairs and see if I have money. I’m going to go find some money for him. He was like. He came in he was like, I got, I like, I’m all the way like I’m start walking now he’s coming in. He’s like, yeah, he was like fixing the compost pile and putting leaves in the compost pile and he’s like, he comes in and he’s like, I got, I got money, we got money. He’s gas money. I, you know I got a 20I that should be that should be more than enough for him to get there And I’m like upstairs still like looking and he’s like here and I’m like, oh, and I come back downstairs and I’m like, you want to go talk to him? He’s like, Nah.
Just give him the money. It’s fine. And I go outside and he’s like, yo, thank you. Thank you so much. God bless you. And I’m like, yo, where do you live? And he’s like right there behind so and so. Jim and Sarah’s house. Mike, Sarah, whatever this people name. Is this number on He’s like, thank you. And he like when I went outside, I had his head down like he was crying and like he was in deep contemplation. And at one point I almost felt a old part of me say, I wonder if he’s lying because my father used to trick me and he used to try to manipulate me. And there’s always this part of the this old part of me that’s like, what if somebody’s trying to manipulate me? And then I said, So what? Right. Because in him coming, he’s giving me the blessing and the lesson of learning how to give, even when you think you don’t have a lot. That’s the lesson for me. It’s not for me to determine what his lesson is or if he’s trying to, what his intentions are. So what I get what I need.
In every situation, no matter what somebody’s intention is, if somebody comes to harm me, I get the blessing of giving them grace. I get the blessing of forgiveness. I get the blessing of not being triggered, of learning how to manage my own mind, my own self, my own results, my own happiness, my own peace. I gave him the money and he said thank you. God bless you, ma’am. I got his blessing. That’s like church I just paid some ties. So basically I gave him $20. He gave us a blessing, and he gave us the blessing because this episode is fucking rich. What? It’s rich. If you miss it, that’s OK. And then he shook my hand. And I don’t shake people’s hand, but I shook his hand and there was an energetic exchange where I gave him some medicine that he’s going to go take to his mother or take to herself if he don’t go get to his mother. But I gave him something energetically and he gave me something back. I want you to know that when I have spiritual encounters with people, I give them money. Even if all I got is some coins, I give them money. That’s how I invest in myself. That’s my church. I live in the Church of life. I encounter people. And I’m like, yo, you just bless me. Here, take this. And some people would be so confused. Sometimes I write a note and I just talk money into it and I give it to them. That’s how I live my life. And then spirit God the universe.
Y’all, Do the same thing for me. You like, yo, you just bless me. Here’s some money. I feel like that’s how that’s how we heal the world. That’s how we circulate energetic currency in this 3D World where money is, is useful, right? Where money can help a big deal and help us make a difference. This just went on a roller coaster and I’m so grateful that I got to ride it. I hope you enjoyed the ride. Two ups and downs and ups and downs. And I know I’ll come back to it eventually, but I think this is where I’ll stop. Let me tell you that the Ancestral Medicine Woman certification program, the last version. This latest version that I did will blow your mind. And if you meant to be in that program apply. And her this lifetime program that I created Will blow your mind, will transform your life. If you meant to be in that room, come join us. Come join us. It’s not even open to the public just yet. It might be when I release this episode. But when the time is right. When you hear this, come join us. Come find me. I will let you in early. If it’s for you, come find me.
All right. I love you. I love you. I love you. Free yourself today, OK? You don’t have to stay in hell anymore. Nobody can keep you in hell. There is water everywhere. This is the land of abundance. The land of breast milk and honey, right. Suck them. Suck your mother’s. But drink the milk of your species. The honey that the bees leave behind. Don’t steal nobody’s honey. You don’t got to steal nothing. What’s for you will find you. It’s abundant. There are waterfalls and rivers.
Creeks and streams waiting to soothe the flames of the hell that you are keeping yourself in. Just walk out of it Here. I got it. I got a cup. An everlasting cup. Drink some. Nothing is lacking. Nothing is broken. I just took y’all to church. We might need to release these episodes on Sundays. On Saturdays, right. The original Sabbath. Oneness is a beautiful thing. Everything is a blessing. Love is the religion. God is you. God is me. God is earth. I’m not triggered anymore. I’m so grateful that I was though, because oh, it feels really good to get it like this. It feels really good. I love you. I love you. This might be my favorite episode yet. I get it. I get it. The rebirth is here. Y’all the rebirth is here. Peace.
I just had to come back real quick. I ended this episode, but I need to tell you how divine the timing is. As soon as I said peace, it started raining. It’s like a cleansing ritual for you. Okay, this is a clean slate for you. Choose today to like, wash your life, wash your mind, wash your body. The fire. I just talked about the fire and it just started raining. Just talked about you being in hell and spirits say yo, I got you. It’s raining right now and it’s beautiful and the rain used to feel so inconvenient for me. I used to strongly dislike the rain. I remember I got in a car crash. These girls that used to be my best friend, like they were arguing and it was raining really hard and they were so emotional. Crying they drove us off the road.
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